Olympic Ring Hoopla


Here's an idea for making an Olympic Ring Hoopla game with the kids - it's fun to make and fun to play too, and you could even turn it into a family Olympic event...

Olympic Room Hoopla

You will need:

  • 3 small plastic bottles
  • 5 large paper plates
  • White acrylic paints
  • Paint in gold, silver, bronze, red, blue, black, yellow and green
  • Sand or rice


Paint each of the bottles with the acrylic paint and leave to dry.

Paint the rims of the paper plates, one in each of the colours red, green, blue, black and yellow.

Paint one bottle gold, one silver and one bronze. Leave the bottles to dry.

Fill each of the bottles 1/3 full of rice or sand to weight them down and make sure the lids are sealed tight.

Cut the centre from each plate so you are left with rings.

To play:

Set up the bottles and toss the cardboard rings over. You can score 1 for bronze, 2 for silver and 3 for gold.

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