Match each of 6 squirrels to the acorn with the number which is 100 more. Good practice! 100 more worksheet - squirrels - Log in or Become a Member to download100 more worksheet - squirrels - answers - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZSquirrelsSquirrel WorksheetsBritish WildlifeBritish Wildlife WorksheetsMore British Wildlife WorksheetsAnimal WorksheetsMore Animal WorksheetsSeasonsAutumnAutumn WorksheetsAutumn Maths WorksheetsLearningMathsMaths Worksheets
Equivalent Fractions Worksheet - Squirrels How well do the kids know their equivalent fractions? This squirrel-themed worksheet tests them on 1/2, 2/3 and 3/4.
10 Less Worksheet - Squirrels Find 10 less than each of the numbers on the squirrels - then match it to an acorn! A fun worksheet for autumn.
10 More Worksheet - Squirrels For each squirrel the kids need to find an acorn with a number 10 less - perfect for an autumn maths drill!