20th Century Story Paper


From the Titanic, to the suffragette marches, to WWI, the moon landing and the reign of Elizabeth II the 20th Century has seen some momentus events. Use our story paper for writing up research or retelling the stories of some of these famous events.

Cenotaph Story Paper

Cenotaph Story Paper

Use this Cenotaph story paper to write down what you have learned about the Cenotaph and the National Service of Remembrance, or Remembrance Day in general. We have two versions: one headed "The Cenotaph" and one blank.

Empire Windrush Story Paper

Empire Windrush Story Paper

Use this story paper to encourage some writing about the Empire Windrush, which had an interesting history! Alternatively children could write about its passengers to Tilbury Docs in 1948, or the story of the Windrush Generation.

Field of Poppies Story Paper

Field of Poppies Story Paper

This "field of poppies" story paper can be used in many ways, but we designed it with Remembrance Day in mind. Children could write a story set in World War I, or perhaps explain why poppies are used for remembrance and for fundraising in November.

Moon Landing Story Paper

Moon Landing Story Paper

Write about man's first steps on the moon with the story paper, then colour in our picture. Choose from our lined or handwriting versions.

Simpson and His Donkey Story Paper

Simpson and His Donkey Story Paper

Perfect for Anzac Day, kids can use this story paper to write the story of the heroic John Simpson and his donkey in their own words, then colour in the picture.

Suffragettes Story Paper

Suffragettes Story Paper

Children can use this story paper to write what they have learned about the suffragettes and the WSPU - or perhaps make up a story about a suffragette rally or march, using the picture to inspire them.

Titanic Story Paper

Titanic Story Paper

Colour in the picture of the Titanic, and then use this printable story paper to write your own version of the story. Choose from normal or handwriting lines.

Titanic Story Paper 2

Titanic Story Paper 2

Here is an alternative Titanic story paper design for children who are studying the sinking of the Titanic.

Votes for Women Story Paper

Votes for Women Story Paper

This "votes for women" story paper allows the children to write about the suffragette (and suffragist) movement and then colour in this picture of two well-to-do suffragettes, who look as if they are heading off to a march or rally.

Windrush Generation Story Paper

Windrush Generation Story Paper

Children can use this story paper to write what they have learned about the Windrush Generation - or perhaps for some creative writing based on someone they can see in the picture?

Women Ambulance Drivers WWI Story Paper

Women Ambulance Drivers WWI Story Paper

Brave women drove ambulances at the Front during World War I, and back at home too. Learn a little about them here and then use this story paper to tell their story, or make up a story about an experience.

Women Labourers WWI Story Paper

Women Labourers WWI Story Paper

During World War I, women took on many hard labour jobs - like shovelling coal - that had previously only been undertaken by men. Perhaps the kids can do some research on the sorts of roles that women took up as the men went to the Front, and write about them on this story paper page.

Women Police Service WWI Story Paper

Women Police Service WWI Story Paper

Use this story paper for children to tell the story of women's police service during WWI, colouring in the picture too. We've provided some information about the Women's Police Service here.

Women's Suffrage Story Paper

Women's Suffrage Story Paper

Children can use this story paper to write about women's suffrage, and how and when it was won. Pictured is one of the first women to vote, after the 1918 Representation of the People Act was passed.

More History Resources

The Titanic
The Titanic

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