

An acorn is the nut of an oak tree and contains a seed (or sometimes two) from which a new oak tree may grow. Many animals like to eat acorns: mice, squirrels, deer, pigs and bears, to name a few. They have also been used as a human food - especially in times of famine - and as a substitute for coffee.

The shape and size of an acorn are fascinating to children, and many an imaginery fairy has drunk from an acorn "cup".

We have a collection of acorn activities below which you could incorporate into your autumn or tree topics.

Mighty oaks from little acorns grow...

Acorn Colouring Page

Acorn Colouring Page

When you've finished colouring our simple acorn colouring page you could cut them out and use them to make a fun classroom display.

Acorn Dot To Dot

Acorn Dot To Dot

Our acorn dot to dot is a fun activity for autumn, and a great way to practise pencil control. Follow the numbers from 1 to 20 to finish the acorn picture.

Acorn Frame

Acorn Frame

Print our acorn frame in colour or black and white, lined or blank. Your choice! Use it for your writing projects in the Autumn... or perhaps for an oak tree project.

Acorn Grid Copy

Acorn Grid Copy

Can the kids copy the acorn from the grid on the left to the grid on the right? It helps to count carefully, and draw each square one by one.

Acorn Handwriting Worksheet

Acorn Handwriting Worksheet

Perfect for autumn (fall), this acorn handwriting worksheet provides plenty of opportunity for practice...

Acorn Lacing Card

Acorn Lacing Card

Our acorn lacing card is a lovely simple shape for younger children to practice their lacing or sewing skills on. Print onto card and punch holes around the outside, laminating it to make it longer lasting if you wish.

Acorn Size Sorting

Acorn Size Sorting

Here's a fun sorting activity that's perfect for autumn! Cut out the acorns, shuffle them up then ask the kids to order them by size...

Acorn Template

Acorn Template

This acorn template comes in various sizes. Hopefully you will find one that is just perfect for your craft ideas or notice board displays! It's a fun shape for some autumn poetry...

Acorn Word Tracing

Acorn Word Tracing

Trace the dotted letters of the word "acorn" and colour in the big acorn above - a fun autumn worksheet for little kids!

Acorns Playdough Mat

Acorns Playdough Mat

If you can't go out searching for acorns why not stay in and create your own! Get the kids to add acorns the majestic oak tree on our acorns playdough mat. 

Count the Acorns

Count the Acorns

How many times can the kids find the word "acorn" in the puzzle? This makes a fun puzzle for autumn or winter, perhaps.

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Acorn

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Acorn

Although the outline of the acorn on our cutting skills worksheet is simple enough for children to have a go at, it is still instantly recognisable! You could print this page onto light brown paper or card and make an acorn display...

Doodle Pattern Tiles - Autumn 1

Doodle Pattern Tiles - Autumn 1

We thought that it might be fun to try doodling an acorn or a squirrel for Autumn, on our Doodle Pattern Tiles! Cut them out first to make doodling a little easier.

Guest Post - Making Autumn Suncatchers

Autumn is a magical time to enjoy craft activities! In this guest post Shelly and her son make some lovely autumn suncatchers to hang up in their home.

Learn To Draw An Acorn

Learn To Draw An Acorn

Collecting acorns is a fun autumn activity. If you can't find any you can still have fun drawing your own with help from our simple learn to draw an acorn tutorial.

Mighty Oaks Poster

Mighty Oaks Poster

There's an old saying, that "might oaks from little acorns grow". It's a useful concept to introduce with the kids, as it can be applicable in many ways.

These Creatures are Fond of Acorns...


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