Advent Alphabet Challenge
Can you come up with a word for each letter of the alphabet, all to do with Advent? Some of the letters might prove a bit of a challenge...
The run up to Christmas is an exciting time for children. Our Advent puzzles offer nice peaceful activities for when a five minute breather and some calming down is needed, and these puzzles can be enjoyed by all ages and all the family, too.
Can you come up with a word for each letter of the alphabet, all to do with Advent? Some of the letters might prove a bit of a challenge...
Try to make as many words as you can from the letters on display, following the instructions on the printable page. Don't forget you can make extra points by finding special Advent-themed words!
Solve the advent-themed clues to complete this crossword. You can check your answers against our solution.
Here's a fun elimination grid puzzle to enjoy during Advent. Solve the clues and cross off the letters of the answers in the grid.
Can the kids unscramble all the letters to find some Advent words? Some of them are quite tricky! The solution is available to download below.
See if you can find the advent words in our word search puzzle, a great filler activity for childrens parties.
There are parts of this Advent wreath missing from the picture. The children must use the complete picture to help them complete the missing sections, testing their observation skills. It's quite tricky!