A printable colouring page of African children in traditional costume, perfect for Kwanzaa or any African theme or study. African children colouring page - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageColouring PagesHolidaysKwanzaaKwanzaa Colouring PagesTopicsAround the WorldAround the World Colouring PagesChildren Around The World Colouring PagesAfrica
Indian Children Colouring Page Travelling around the world to India, we have a colouring page of two children wearing traditional Indian costume, the girl dressed in a pretty sari. the boy in a handsome kurta.
Scottish Children Colouring Page Here's a colouring page of a boy and a girl dressed in traditional Scottish dress - fun to print and colour in!
Chinese Children Colouring Page A fun colouring page to print featuring two Chinese children in traditional dress. Perfect for Chinese New Year or a China theme.