Ancient Egypt Colouring Pages


Enjoy our large collection of colouring pages on an Ancient Egyptian theme.

Welcome to the exciting world of Ancient Egypt, brought to life through our unique and original colouring pages! This collection is perfect for children of all ages, as an extra activity in the classroom or home, or perhaps as part of an Ancient Egypt project. Let the kids unleash their creativity as they explore the mysteries of the pyramids, the grandeur of the pharaohs, and the geography of this ancient civilisation!

Our pages are designed to be both educational and fun, offering a peek into one of the most fascinating civilisations in history.

Grab your crayons, markers, or colouring pencils and get ready to step into Ancient Egypt...

15 Ancient Egyptian Gods Colouring Pages

15 Ancient Egyptian Gods Colouring Pages

These fabulous colouring pages feature 15 gods of Ancient Egypt - and, with lots of detail in the illustrations, they are perfect for older children or adults to colour in. You could tackle them as a class project, perhaps, and make a fabulous display.

15 Ancient Egyptian Gods Colouring Pages - Simple Version

15 Ancient Egyptian Gods Colouring Pages - Simple Version

This set of colouring pages includes 15 Ancient Egyptian gods: Amun-Ra, Anubis, Bastet, Horus, Isis, Khonsu, Maat, Mut, Nun, Nut, Orisis, Ptah, Set, Sobek and Thoth. We've simplified the illustrations to make them more suitable - but still exciting - for younger children to colour in.

Ancient Egypt Map Colouring Page

Ancient Egypt Map Colouring Page

Children can learn about Ancient Egypt while colouring in this fun map which points out the famous landmarks of the Ancient Egyptian world. It's great for projects too.

Canopic Jars Colouring Page

Canopic Jars Colouring Page

Despite their gruesomeness, children are fascinated by canopic jars and will enjoy colouring in these. Older children may choose to add more decoration to these fairly simple outlines.

Design an Egyptian Death Mask

Design an Egyptian Death Mask

This simple worksheet allows children to design their own Egyptian death mask. They can have fun using colouring pencils or pens to create something stunning. It's a great project when studying the customs of Ancient Egypt.

Sarcophagus Colouring Page

Sarcophagus Colouring Page

Children can print and colour this stately sarcophagus from Ancient Egypt. Colouring is fun - but children are also learning!

The Pyramids Colouring Page

The Pyramids Colouring Page

Join our family travelling around the world to see its famous sites in this delightful colouring page of the Pyramids in Egypt.

The Sphinx Colouring Page

The Sphinx Colouring Page

The Sphinx is probably one of the most famous - and the strangest - sites of the Ancient world. Print and colour this fun picture featuring our intrepid children world travellers!

Tutankhamun Colouring Page

Tutankhamun Colouring Page

The most famous of all Ancient Egyptians, Tutankhamun's death mask is well known throughout the world. Here is a colouring image of it for the kids to print and enjoy.

More Ancient Egypt Resources

Ancient Egypt Worksheets
Ancient Egypt Worksheets

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