Animal Story Paper for Younger Children


These simple animal story paper pages are perfect for younger children learning to write. Use them for dictation or copywork allowing children to practise their handwriting or write a short story, paragraph or sentence about their favourite animal. Children can practise their pencil control skills further by colouring in the cute picture.

Angel Fish Story Paper

Angel Fish Story Paper

There are lots of ways you could use our angel fish story paper besides story writing.  How about asking children to write a set of instructions to describe how to colour the fish and then swap with a friend to follow the instructions?

Ant Story Paper

Ant Story Paper

Children will love imagining a character for this cute ant and then setting him in a story.  I think he looks like he's a bit mischievous.  

Baboon Story Paper

Baboon Story Paper

Baboons are comical animals and full of character, perfect for starring in a short story written on our baboon story paper! We have two versions, one with lines and the other with handwriting lines, and both have a fun picture of a baboon to colour in too...

Badger Story Paper

Badger Story Paper

Learn about badgers and then use this story paper to write about them, or get the creative juices flowing and write your own story! Choose from two versions below.

Bat Story Paper

Bat Story Paper

Whether you are studying bats in class, or want to write a spooky story for Halloween - here's the paper for you! Two versions to choose from, one with lines and one with handwriting lines for younger kids.

Bat Story Paper 2

Bat Story Paper 2

Here's a cute story paper for younger children, with a picture of a bat to colour in - perfect for a Halloween activity. Choose from two versions below...

Bear Story Paper

Bear Story Paper

Will this cute bear be going on a teddy bear's picnic, or is a wild bear living in the woods? We're sure he'll inspire the kids to write something creative!

Beaver Story Paper

Beaver Story Paper

Write a great story about a beaver on this special paper.  There are two kinds of versions you can print, one has lines specially designed to help with handwriting with an extra dotted guideline.

Bee Story Paper

Bee Story Paper

We all know we need to do more to protect our bees. Children can use this story paper to explain why bees are so important or to write a fun bee themed story.

Beetle Story Paper

Beetle Story Paper

This cute beetle is looking to star in a story. Can your children write one about him on our beetle story paper?

Butterfly Life Cycle Story Paper

Butterfly Life Cycle Story Paper

This story paper shows the stages of a butterfly's life cycle. Ask children to describe the stages and colour the picture or use as a creative writing prompt.

Butterfly Story Paper

Butterfly Story Paper

Here is some pretty butterfly story paper for younger kids. Write a story or poem, or perhaps use the paper for handwriting practice or copywork...

Camel Story Paper

Camel Story Paper

Tell a story of a desert journey with our camel story paper. Perhaps your children could write their version of the story of the Three Kings of the Nativity story?

Cat Story Paper

Cat Story Paper

Use our cat story story paper to write a story or perhaps describe your pet cat. Choose from regular or handwriting lines.

Cat Story Paper 2

Cat Story Paper 2

Cat lovers will enjoy this cute story paper, complete with a lovely drawing of a cat - and it's perfect for Halloween too! Choose from our lined or handwriting lines versions...

Caterpillar Story Paper

Caterpillar Story Paper

This lovely caterpillar story paper is perfect for younger children - to inspire some creative writing.

Cheetah Story Paper

Cheetah Story Paper

Our cheetah story paper is perfect for young children to write a sentence or two describing this really fast cat.

Chimpanzee Story Paper

Chimpanzee Story Paper

Use this cute chimpanzee story paper to write down everything you've learned about chimps, or maybe to write about a zoo visit to see these incredible animals?

Corgi Story Paper

Corgi Story Paper

Will the kids write a story about a royal corgi who lives with the queen - or perhaps use this story paper for some handwriting practise?  We have a choice of handwriting or lined versions to suit all requirements. 

Cow Story Paper

Cow Story Paper

Our cow is so cute she is sure to inspire budding story writers to get busy and create their own story on our cow story paper. 

Crab Story Paper

Crab Story Paper

A colouring and writing activity in one! Use our crab story paper to tell a story or describe a visit to the seaside.

Cricket Story Paper

Cricket Story Paper

Write a story or a poem with our cheerful cricket as its centre! Choose from lines or handwriting versions of our story paper.

Crocodile Story Paper

Crocodile Story Paper

With a choice of handwriting or lined versions, our crocodile story paper is suitable for young writers copying out their first sentences or more fluent writers ready to tell a story. 

Deer Story Paper

Deer Story Paper

Our lovely deer illustration sits at the top of this story paper, waiting to be coloured in when the kids have finished writing...

Dog story paper

Dog Story Paper

Here's a lovely picture of a dog on some story paper - lined or with handwriting lines to suit a variety of ages - which is sure to inspire some creative writing and colouring!

Dolphin Story Paper

Dolphin Story Paper

Use this cute story paper to encourage creative writing, or for recording what the children have learned about dolphins. Choose from simple lines or handwriting lines.

Donkey Story Paper

Donkey Story Paper

For a story set on a farm or perhaps on a beach with donkey rides we have two versions of our donkey story paper with a cute illustration to inspire your children's creativity.

Elephant Story Paper

Elephant Story Paper

Our handwriting elephant story paper, complete with its simple eephant picture, is perfect for younger children. For older children there is a lined version, too.

Fish Story Paper

Fish Story Paper

Colour in our fish and tell of it's adventures on our fish story paper.

Fox Story Paper

Fox Story Paper

Use this lovely printable story paper to write a story about a fox, copy an Aesop's fable, practise your handwriting or even write a letter to a friend...

frog story paper

Frog Story Paper

Kids can use our frog story paper to write about frogs or make up their own frog story or poem. Two versions available.

Frog Story Paper 2

Frog Story Paper 2

Our cute little frog sits waiting to inspire a bit of creative writing! Choose from lines or handwriting lines...

Gazelle Story Paper

Gazelle Story Paper

Use our quick-to-print story paper featuring a cute colouring image of a gazelle to encourage some creative story writing, or perhaps to collect some gazelle facts when you have been learning about this African animal.

Giraffe Story Paper

Giraffe Story Paper

My heart melts a bit at this cute giraffe! Children can write a story or perhaps describe the character of the giraffe on this lovely story paper. 

Goat story paper

Goat Story Paper

Here's some cute story paper with a lovely goat illustration, all ready to be coloured in. Choose from lines or handwriting lines.

Goldfish Story Paper

Goldfish Story Paper

This lovely goldfish story paper comes in handy for creative writing exercises, thank you letters - or perhaps for writing down what you've learned about goldfish.

Grasshopper Story Paper

Grasshopper Story Paper

We have two versions of this grasshopper story paper, lined and handwriting lines, for some minibeast-themed creative writing fun.  

Groundhog Story Paper

Groundhog Story Paper

This story paper can be used for writing facts about groundhogs or for creative writing tasks - and the kids can colour in the cute picture, too. 

Guinea Pig Story Paper

Guinea Pig Story Paper

Our guinea pig story paper is perfect for young children to write a sentence or two describing this cute pet animal.

Hamster Story Paper

Hamster Story Paper

Use this cute hamster story paper to write down everything you've learned about hamsters, or maybe to write about a visit to a pet shop?

Hedgehog Story Paper

Hedgehog Story Paper

Who could resist writing a story or practising their handwriting when they've got this cute hedgehog story paper to encourage them!

Hippo Story Paper

Hippo Story Paper

This hippo is so cute he is sure to inspire children to come up with a character for him to write about! Our hippo story paper comes in two versions, lined or with handwriting lines for younger children.

Horse story paper

Horse Story Paper

Practice your handwriting, write a story or poem about a horse, or jot down some notes for a horse project - and of course you can colour in the lovely picture, too.

Hyena Story Paper

Hyena Story Paper

Hyenas are known for the funny laughing noise they make, so maybe use this story paper to tell a funny story or some jokes? 

Jellyfish Story Paper

Jellyfish Story Paper

With lined and handwriting options to choose from our jellyfish story paper is a fun way to encourage young children to write down their ideas.  Don't forget to colour the jellyfish afterwards!

Kangaroo Story Paper

Kangaroo Story Paper

Write a story about a kangaroo, or use our cute story paper for recording facts about this most famous of Aussie animals! And of course the kids can colour in the picture, too.

Koala Story Paper

Koala Story Paper

Colour in the koala and then use the lines below (normal or handwriting) to write a story or collect together some koala facts...

Ladybird Story Paper

Ladybird Story Paper

Perhaps you could use the nursery rhyme 'Ladybird, Ladybird' as a prompt for some creative writing. Whatever the purpose though this cute ladybird story paper is sure to be popular.  

Lion Story Paper

Lion Story Paper

Let the fantastic lion picture on this story paper inspire the kids to write. We have two versions to choose from - one lined and one with handwriting lines.

Lobster Story Paper

Lobster Story Paper

Use our cute lobster story paper to spark off some creative writing. Don't forget to colour the lobster when you have finished. 

Meerkat Story Paper

Meerkat Story Paper

Can you write something using this cute meerkat as your inspiration? This story paper is specially designed with handwriting guide lines, or normal lines to choose from.

Mole Story Paper

Mole Story Paper

Use this printable mole story paper (lined and handwriting versions available) for writing down facts, copy work, or making up stories! Click the links below to choose which printable you would like.

Monkey story paper

Monkey Story Paper

For a jungle theme, Chinese New Year or just for fun, let our cute monkey story paper inspire you. We have lined or handwriting versions available.

Moose Story Paper

Moose Story Paper

Write a story about a moose with this fun story paper, available in two styles. Or use it to write down what you have learned about the moose!

Mouse Story Paper

Mouse Story Paper

This useful mouse story paper printable can be used for handwriting practice, creative story writing, retelling a story, or even to write a thank you letter. We think kids will love the cheeky mouse illustration!

Octopus Story Paper

Octopus Story Paper

Can you imagine the undersea world of an octopus? We have lined or handwriting versions of our octopus story paper for you to use to describe that world or for any writing project you choose.

Otter Story Paper

Otter Story Paper

Will the kids write a story about an otter, or perhaps use this otter story paper for some desriptive writing or research...

Ox story paper

Ox Story Paper

Kids can colour in this cute little ox and then use our story paper for some creative writing.

Panda Story Paper

Panda Story Paper

Our cute panda story paper is perfect for creative writing or research projects.  We have lined and handwriting versions to print.

Panda Story Paper 2

Panda Story Paper 2

Here's a lovely picture of a panda on some story paper - lined or with handwriting lines to suit a variety of ages - which is sure to inspire some creative writing and colouring!

Pig story paper

Pig Story Paper

Two pages of pig story paper here - lined and with handwriting lines. Perfect for children to colour in and use for creative writing, handwriting practice and so on.

Platypus Story Paper

Platypus Story Paper

Write about the interesting platypus, native to Australia, or make up a fun story using this story paper. We have two versions to suit a range of ages - one with handwriting lines and one lined for older kids.

Polar Bear Story Paper

Polar Bear Story Paper

Use our polar bear story paper to write down facts about this magnificent animal, or make up a story with a polar bear as the main character. We have lined or handwriting lines to choose from. 

Rabbit story paper

Rabbit Story Paper

Perfect for writing an Easter or farmyard story, or perhaps a letter. And of course the children can colour in the rabbit, too.

Rat story paper

Rat Story Paper

We hope that this lovely rat story paper will spark off some good creative writing, and some lovely colouring in too! Two versions available, one lined and one with handwriting lines.

Reindeer Story Paper

Reindeer Story Paper

Will the kids write a Christmas themed story about this cute reindeer? Or maybe some facts or research work about these lovely animals? You could also use it for a Christmas list or thank you letter.

Reindeer Story Paper 2

Reindeer Story Paper 2

I don't know whether this is Rudolph, or one of Father Christmas's other reindeers, but he certainly looks ready to take the sleigh on a journey, doesn't he? I'm sure the kids will come up with an interesting story to fill this paper...

Rhino Story Paper

Rhino Story Paper

Our cute rhino might encourage your kids to write a story on this fun story paper! Alternatively, colour the picture and write a letter to Nanna and Grandad, perhaps...

Sea Lion Story Paper

Sea Lion Story Paper

This adorable picture of a seal is bound to get the kids putting pen to paper and writing a short creative story! 

Sea Turtle Story Paper

Sea Turtle Story Paper

With a choice of handwriting or lined versions, our sea turtle story paper is suitable for young writers copying out their first sentence or more fluent writers ready to tell a story. 

Seahorse Story Paper

Seahorse Story Paper

Seahorses are fascinating and almost magical creatures, so this story paper is bound to inspire the kids to write something creative. Choose from two versions, lined and with handwriting lines. 

Shark Story Paper

Shark Story Paper

We've got two versions of this lovely shark story paper - one with handwriting lines and one with simple lines - so that a range of ages can enjoy it.

Sheep Story Paper

Sheep Story Paper

Younger children might be inspired to write a story about a sheep with this cute story paper, which comes in two versions.

Skunk Story Paper

Skunk Story Paper

Skunks have a bit of a bad reputation for their ability to spray a horrible smell. Will the kids write about the skunk spraying his smell on this story paper - or perhaps write some research work?

Snail Story Paper

Snail Story Paper

Our simple snail story paper pages are fun for younger kids, who can colour the picture and then use the lines for practising handwriting, writing a story or poem, or perhaps collecting facts.

Snake story paper

Snake Story Paper

Perfect for writing a story about a snake, or for Chinese New Year of the Snake, our snake story paper comes in two versions to suit different ages.

Spider and Web Story Paper

Spider and Web Story Paper

This spider and web story paper is ideal for younger children at Halloween - they can enjoy colouring in the picture once they've done a little creative writing. Choose from two versions below: lined or handwriting lines. 

Spider Story Paper

Spider Story Paper

Write a spooky Halloween story, practice handwriting skills by copying out the nursery rhyme Incy Wincy Spider, write a story about life as a spider or pull together a factual piece of research. I'm sure there are many other ways you can think of to use out spider story paper.

Spider Story Paper 2

Spider Story Paper 2

Use our spider story paper to tell a spooky story or write some facts about these eight-legged creatures! We have lined and handwriting lined versions available for different ages and abilities.

Squirrel Story Paper

Squirrel Story Paper

Our gorgeous squirrel sits proudly above a set of lines or handwriting lines - to encourage the kids to get their pencils out and start writing! And why not colour him in, too...

Starfish Story Paper

Starfish Story Paper

Use our cute starfish story paper with younger children for creative writing and colouring fun.

Tiger story paper

Tiger Story Paper

Cute tiger themed paper for some story writing, complete with colouring page! Choose from lined or handwriting lines.

Tortoise Story Paper

Tortoise Story Paper

Write about the tortoise, or make up a story featuring a tortoise as the central character. Choose from two versions to suit different ages - handwriting lines or lined.

Warthog Story Paper

Warthog Story Paper

Use this story paper to write a story featuring a warthog, or perhaps to record notes and facts about warthogs. Choose from 1cm lines or handwriting lines.

Whale Story Paper

Whale Story Paper

I think the kids could write a lovely story about a whale, inspired by the picture on this story paper!

Wildebeest Story Paper

Wildebeest Story Paper

Use our cute wildebeest story paper with the kids for creative writing and colouring fun. Choose from two versions, lined and with handwriting lines. 

Wolf Story Paper

Wolf Story Paper

Our story paper is a great for young writers. The picture of a wolf can be used as inspiration and can also be coloured in! There are two types of lines available; plain lines, and handwriting lines, which have an additional guide line. 

Wombat Story Paper

Wombat Story Paper

Our story paper for younger children provides a cute picture of a wombat to colour in along with either handwriting or normal lines. Hopefully it will inspire some lovely writing!

Worm Story Paper

Worm Story Paper

This story paper could be used for simple writing practice (using the handwriting version) with younger children, for note-taking, or for writing a little story or poem about a worm...

Zebra Story Paper

Zebra Story Paper

This fun zebra story paper gives younger kid as place to write what they know about zebras, copy out some sentences, or write a story!

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