

Queen AnneQueen Anne ruled (1665 - 1714) ruled from 1702 to her death in 1714. She was the younger sister of Queen Mary II, who reigned with her husband William III (William and Mary). They died without children so Anne was next in line to the throne.

The most important date during Queen Anne's reign in 1707, when the Acts of Unions united England and Scotland and they became Great Britain.

Anne was married to Prince George of Denmark. She wasn't a healthy woman, and, despite 17 pregnancies, she sadly had only one surviving child and he died aged 11 from smallpox. There were therefore no direct heirs to the throne and Queen Anne was the last monarch of the House of Stuart. Her second cousin, George I of the House of Hanover, was next in line as the nearest Protestant relative.

Anne Booklet

Anne Booklet

Print and fold one of our Queen Anne booklets to use for a project or a lapbook on the House of Stuart.  Instructions on how to fold the booklets can be found here. 

Anne Notebooking Page

Anne Notebooking Page

Our Queen Anne notebooking pages are part of a series of notebooking pages of the British kings and queens. great for older children's project work

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George I
George I

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