Apple Day


Apples are one of Britain’s best loved fruits, enjoyed as a healthy snack or as an essential ingredient in pies, crumbles and many other dishes. But did you know we have a special day dedicated to celebrating our apples and orchards? Created by conservation and environmental charity Common Ground, Apple Day is held every year on 21st October and first started in London’s Covent Garden in 1990 in the old Apple Market. The following year the event expanded across the country with 50 events at village halls, markets and apple roadshows, and by the year 2000 there were more than 600 Apple Day events across Britain and even some celebrations further afield in Europe.

Apple Day Activities for Kids

From Golden Delicious to Granny Smiths, the UK has developed over 2,500 of the 7000 varieties of apples that exist worldwide. Apple day was launched to celebrate the variety and diversity of our favourite fruit and also to raise awareness of the variety of apples we are in danger of losing along with aspects of our ecology, landscape and culture.

Apple Day is becoming increasingly popular every autumn in the UK, with a wide range of events in villages, towns and cities and local activities at farms, National Trust Properties, museums and schools. If you can’t get to an event near you, why not try your own activities to celebrate Apple Day such as taking a walk in a local orchard, making apple crumble or enjoying one of our many apple-themed activities on Activity Village.

Fun Fact:

The residents of Malvern in Worcestershire eat more apples than anyone else in the UK – over 23,000 a week!

Fun Apple Day Activities for Kids

We've got apple colouring pages, apple crafts, apple printables, apple worksheets and apple games for you to explore ... so you are sure to find something apple-themed to do with the kids on Apple Day.

A is for Apple - and apples are for fun and delicious snack times! We've got apple crafts,...

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