Autumn Scissor Activities


Practice those scissor skills with our fun cutting activities! We've got a selection here for you to choose from, themed for Autumn.

Autumn Cut and Complete the Picture

Autumn Cut and Complete the Picture

We've cut three rectangles out of our autumn picture. Can the kids cut out the smaller rectangles and glue them into the correct spots? Good cutting and sticking and matching practice!

Autumn Cutting Shapes

Autumn Cutting Shapes

Here are four autumn leaves and an acorn for the kids to cut out. They could use them to decorate an autumn display or to stick to a picture. You could even print the page onto sticker paper so that they can make their own autumn stickers.

British Wildlife Cutting Shapes

British Wildlife Cutting Shapes

Once children have practiced their scissor skills cutting out these British Wildlife cutting shapes they could add the animals to an autumn themed collage. 

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Acorn

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Acorn

Although the outline of the acorn on our cutting skills worksheet is simple enough for children to have a go at, it is still instantly recognisable! You could print this page onto light brown paper or card and make an acorn display...

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Bonfire

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Bonfire

Autumn is the season of falling leaves and bonfires, so I included this cutting shape in our Autumn section - but of course it may be useful for Bonfire Night and Fourth of July too. Print it out onto flam-coloured paper for a fun cutting activity.

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Leaf

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Leaf

Children can challenge themselves to cut out this delicate leaf shape. They will need to approach it slowly and carefully! You could print the page onto red, yellow and orange paper and make a pretty autumn leaf display.

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Pumpkin

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Pumpkin

Print out this scissor skills worksheet onto white or orange paper, and let your child practise cutting out the pumpkin shape. Cut it out just for fun or use it for a craft or sticking activity.

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Scarecrow

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Scarecrow

This is a slightly tricky shape to cut out, but once your child has managed it, he or she can have fun adding some features to the scarecrow!

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Squirrel

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Squirrel

This lovely squirrel is sure to be a favourite with the kids, and his simple, square shape and lines make him relatively easy to cut out if you take it slowly. You could print the page on grey or brown paper and then make a display with the squirrels.

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Tractor

Cutting Autumn Shapes - Tractor

This satisfying tractor shape would look great printed out onto red, blue or green card. Once the tractor is cut out, get your child to sign his name and put it on display!

Cutting Shapes - Apple

Cutting Shapes - Apple

Print out our apple cutting shape printable onto red, green or yellow paper - or onto white, for the kids to colour in once they have cut the apple out. It will take some careful cutting to negotiate the stalk!

Cutting Shapes - Pear

Cutting Shapes - Pear

It's fun to practice scissor skills with our cutting shapes worksheets. This one features a pear, with a short stalk and separate leaf to cut out.

Falling Leaves Cutting Practice

Falling Leaves Cutting Practice

Children can practice their scissor skills by cutting along the dotted lines to reach (but not cut through) the falling autumn leaves at the end.

Fruit Cutting Practice

Fruit Cutting Practice

There are four falling orchard fruit pictures on our fruit cutting practice worksheet! Children can cut along the dotted lines to reach the fruit - perfect for Harvest time.

Owl Cutting Practice

Owl Cutting Practice

Children can practice their fine motor skills with our owl cutting practice worksheet. There are four different dotted lines for them to cut along, all leading to a cute owl.

Tractor Cutting Practice

Tractor Cutting Practice

Cutting and tractors were two of my son's favourite things when he was young. Children will have so much fun trying to cut along the dotted lines to follow the tractor trails. 

More Autumn Fun

Autumn Writing Frames
Autumn Writing Frames

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