Our baboon colouring page features a very happy looking baboon that children are sure to have fun colouring. Baboon Colouring Page - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageTopicsAnimalsAnimals A-ZMonkeysBaboonsAfrican AnimalsAfrican Animal Colouring PagesAnimal Colouring PagesSimple Animal Colouring Pages
Baboons Scene Colouring Page Grab some crayons or felt-tip pens and colour in this detailed jungle scene featuring a family of baboons - don't forget to colour in the cute baby!
Zebra Colouring Page 4 If you are going for realism our zebra colouring page doesn't need much colouring, why not let your imagination run wild though and see how bright you can make this cute zebra?
Wildebeest Colouring Page Wildebeest (or gnu) are large antelopes of Africa. Here's a wildebeest colouring page that is sure to brighten up any project on African animals.