Badger Printables


Enjoy our collection of free badger printables for kids! We've got everything from door signs and jigsaws to badger bookmarks and badger writing paper. Scroll down and get printing!

Badger Acrostic Printables

Badger Acrostic Printables

Revise what you know about badgers, or get the creative juices flowing, by printing out these fun badger acrostic poem printables! They make cute stationery pages for younger kids too.

Badger Booklet

Badger Booklet

These little badger booklets are perfect for wildlife or animal themes. Fill them with information, pictures or stories! Perfect for lapbooks too. Choose from blank or ruled by clicking the links below. You will need our folding instructions.

Badger Bookmarks

Badger Bookmarks

Here's a set of 5 fun badger bookmarks to print for the kids, with plenty of space to write a message or record your page in your reading book.

Badger Door Signs

Badger Door Signs

Just for fun, some door signs featuring a cheeky badger that kids can use to inform family and friends when they want company! Simply punch two holes in the top edge and thread some contrasting cord or wool through, then hang on your doorknob or a hook.

Badger Fact Sheet

Badger Fact Sheet

Learn some interesting facts about badgers with the help of this printable badger fact sheet. 

Badger Grid Copy

Badger Grid Copy

Can the kids trace the squares carefully one by one on our badger grid copy puzzle to draw their own badger picture? It takes some careful drawing skills...

Badger Jigsaw 2

Badger Jigsaw 2

Simply print out this badger jigsaw, choose a cutting guide that's appropriate for the age of your child, and they will be putting it back together in no time!

Badger Lacing Card

Badger Lacing Card

Lacing is both fun and a good way of building up those important fine motor skills. This badger lacing card is great for Autumn or a British wildlife theme.

Badger Notebooking Pages

Badger Notebooking Pages

These notebooking pages are perfect for a British Wildlife or Animal theme and feature a photo of a badger. Choose from two designs by clicking the links below:

Badger Poster

Badger Poster

Perhaps this simple badger poster will be useful in the classroom, for a wildlife theme. It has relatively simple outlines so it could also be useful for cutting and sticking...

Badger Poster 2

Badger Poster 2

Did you know that badgers can run very fast, up to around 20 mph? The badger on our lovely poster doesn't seem to be in a hurry though!

Badger Tracing Page

Badger Tracing Page

Trace around the outside of our badger tracing page and then have fun colouring it in.

Badger Writing Paper

Badger Writing Paper

Simple but fun writing paper illustrated with a cheeky badger, perfect for letters, notes and wildlife projects. Choose from our three versions by clicking the links below.

Badgers Scene Card

Badgers Scene Card

Here's a gorgeous badgers scene greetings card to print and fold and fill up with a nice message! Use your printer's borderless settings and print onto good quality card for the best results.

Badgers Scene Poster

Badgers Scene Poster

Here's a lovely poster of some badgers, perfect to display as part of a woodland animal or British wildlife theme. 

Complete the Badger Puzzle

Complete the Badger Puzzle

Using the complete picture of a badger at the bottom, children need to fill in the missing parts of the badger at the top!

Learn to Draw a Badger

Learn to Draw a Badger

Have you ever wanted to learn how to draw a badger? Well, now you can! Just print out our fun badger tutorial and follow along, step by step, until you've got your very own picture.

More Badger Activities

Badger colouring pages
Badger Colouring Pages

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