Bee Crafts


With their bright yellow and black stripes, bees are fun creatures for crafting activities with the kids.  Enjoy our collection of simple bee crafts below.

Bumble Bee Handprint Painting

Bumble Bee Handprint Painting

This cute little bumble bee is easy to create with some poster paints and your child's handprint. Date the picture as you will love to look back on it and remember the size of your child's hand in future years!

Bumblebee Pencil Topper

Bumblebee Pencil Topper

Find out how kids can make this cute bumblebee pencil topper using just a few craft supplies. It's a good summer craft, or perhaps for Back to School or an insect theme?

Paper Plate Bee

Paper Plate Bee

Perfect for summer, this easy bee craft for preschoolers is effective on display, whether there is one bumblebee or a whole swarm!

Pebble Bumblebee Craft

Pebble Bumblebee Craft

Turn a pebble into something special with a bit of paint and imagination! Our pebble bumblebee craft is great for kids of all ages.

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Minibeast Crafts
Minibeast Crafts

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