Budgie Grid Copy
I love this budgie illustration - and I think children would get a real sense of achievement if they copy the picture successfully. Having the grid to work from really helps, especially if you take it square by square.
Grid copies are a fun activity for children, but they are also a great way of secretly practising counting skills, copying and concentration. Once the children have copied the birds across into the blank grids, perhaps they can colour them in using our little coloured pictures as inspiration?
I love this budgie illustration - and I think children would get a real sense of achievement if they copy the picture successfully. Having the grid to work from really helps, especially if you take it square by square.
Copy the cute chick from the left hand grid to the blank grid on the right.
Copy the chicken one square at a time! It's a great way to learn how to draw and children will need to concentrate and count carefully.
This is a fun way to learn to draw a cockatoo, also useful for practicing counting, copying skills and pencil control. Copy the cockatoo from the grid on the left to the grid on the right, square by square.
This grid copy is quite challenging - can the kids use their concentration and pencil control skills to copy this picture of a crane from the left grid to the right?
Follow the squares one by one and watch your drawing of a dove take shape on this dove grid copy puzzle. It's a fun way to learn to draw and a good quiet activity.
Copy this duck one square at a time and watch the picture unfold.
There are a lot of details on the wings so encouarge children to look closely and use the grid to help as them complete this eagle grid copy puzzle.
Can the kids copy the picture of the emu successfully from left grid to right? If they concentrate and take it square by square they should end up with a picture that's very similar!
It's fun to copy pictures using grids to help - especially when drawing a lovely flamingo like this one! Copy one square at a time and watch the picture unfold.
Our goose grid copy asks children to copy the goose from one grid to the other. They will need to concentrate hard and follow the lines square by square.
Can the kids copy the picture of the kiwi from the left grid to the right? Try transferring the picture square by square...
Can the kids copy the picture of a kookaburra from the left grid to the right? It's a fun way to learn to draw this Aussie bird and also great practice in copying and counting.
Trace the squares carefully one by one on our ostrich grid copy puzzle to draw your own picture of this giant bird. It's quite tricky so concentration is required!
Here's a fun way to learn how to draw an owl - and practise copying and concentration skills at the same time! It can help to count carefully and copy one square at a time...
Copy our lovely parrot picture with the help of the square grid. Children can count the squares and copy the details of each one individually if it helps.
We love this picture of a beautiful peacock with gorgeous tail feathers - perhaps the kids can colour in their finished picture? The grid can be a real help, especially if copying one square at a time.
Here's a lovely, simple drawing of a penguin for the kids to copy using the grid to help. Colour him in using the picture below as guidance, too, if you like.
This puffin grid copy is quite tricky, with lots of detail - but if you copy the picture square by square and count carefully, you could be successful!
Ravens are thought to be very intelligent birds - can the kids use their own brain power and concentration skills to copy the picture from one grid to another? Careful counting and copying square by square can make this task easier...
Have a go at our grid copy robin puzzle. It's fun to copy a picture using the squares of a grid, and it takes concentration and practice, and sometimes counting, too.
Copy this rooster one square at a time and watch the picture unfold.
Have some fun copying this turkey one grid at a time and watch the picture emerge.