Bird Word Searches


Tackle a bird themed word search with the kids. We've got all sorts to choose from, suitable for a range of ages and with a variety of fonts too. They are a great way to expand children's vocabulary and word recognition, as well as a fun way to keep busy.

Bird Vocabulary Word Search

Bird Vocabulary Word Search

How well do the children know their bird vocabulary and terminology? Test them by asking them to find the 20 words relating to birds in the word search grid.

Owl Word Search

Owl Word Search

Have a go at this owl word search, which contains many of the words that you might have picked up in our Life Cycle of an Owl section. We've produced 2 versions - one in our usual font and one in large font with capital letters, suitable for adults (and especially seniors).

Penguin Species Word Search

Penguin Species Word Search

Can you find the 17 different species of penguin hidden in the word search grid? Some you may have heard of, others you may not...

Rooster Word search

Rooster Word Search

The word rooster is hidden in this grid many times; horizontally, vertically and diagonally but never backwards. How many times can your children find it?

And Even More Puzzles!

More Bird Puzzles
More Bird Puzzles

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