

Blackbirds are often seen in British gardens, being one of our most common birds, and they are loved for their pretty songs. We've got all sorts of fun blackbird resources here you can enjoy with the kids!

The male blackbird is black with a bright orangey-yellow beak and ring around his eye. Female blackbirds are brown and spotty, which is a bit silly!

You can see blackbirds everywhere apart from the highest mountains, and you'll see them all year around too (although you are most likely to notice them singing in the spring time). Once a male blackbird has established his territory, he tends to stay in one place and defend it.

Blackbirds for Kids

Blackbird Colouring Page

Blackbird Colouring Page

Male blackbirds are black, but females are dark brown. Which will you choose for this colouring page?

Blackbird Dot To Dot

Blackbird Dot To Dot

Here's a simple blackbird dot to dot that even the youngest children can complete. Follow the numbers 1 to 10 to complete the blackbird's body.

Blackbird Fact File

Blackbird Fact File

Learn a few interesting facts about the blackbird with this fact file page, complete with photos.

Blackbird Fact Finding Worksheet

Blackbird Fact Finding Worksheet

Blackbirds are found in gardens and parks around the UK, but can the children find out some facts about this lovely bird and fill them in on this fact-finding sheet?

Blackbird Handwriting Worksheet

Blackbird Handwriting Worksheet

There's plenty of handwriting practice on this blackbird worksheet! Trace the letters in various formats and then write the word by yourself on the last line...

Blackbird Notebooking Page

Blackbird Notebooking Page

You can use these notebooking pages to record what you learn about blackbirds, or perhaps for observations, drawings etc. Notebooking page 1 has space for pictures while page 2 is lined throughout.

Blackbird Poster 2

Blackbird Poster 2

The bright orange-yellow eye-ring and beak make adult male blackbirds one of the UK's most striking garden birds. Print our simple poster of one for your factbooks or displays.

Blackbird Poster 2

Blackbird Poster 2

This blackbird looks beautiful against a woodland background. Perfect for printing out and using in bird-themed or forest displays...

Blackbird Tracing Page

Blackbird Tracing Page

Print our blackbird tracing page to keep young children busy tracing and colouring this common garden bird.  

Blackbird Writing Page 2

Blackbird Writing Page 2

Use this pretty writing page for research, a writing project, or a poem about a blackbird, perhaps...

Complete the Blackbird Puzzle

Complete the Blackbird Puzzle

There are parts missing on this blackbird picture which need filling in. Have a go using the complete picture as reference - or fold the paper and try without!

Learn to Draw a Blackbird

Learn to Draw a Blackbird

The blackbird isn't all black (the females are actually brown).  Follow our learn to draw guide to draw this common British bird.  Don't forget the splashes of colour.

Word Wheel Challenge 37

Word Wheel Challenge 37

The target of our word wheel puzzles is to create as many words of 2 letters or more as possible, using the letters only once and always including the letter in the middle of the wheel.

Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing -
Wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before the king?
The king was in the counting-house
Counting out his money,
The queen was in the parlour
Eating bread and honey,
The maid was in the garden
Hanging out the clothes.
Along came a blackbird
And pecked off her nose!

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