Kids can have a go at making these stunning pretend bone carving necklaces traditionally worn by Maoris in New Zealand and very popular today around the world. We have three designs to make.
Bone carving necklace in koru (unfurling fern) shape. The koru necklace represents new beginnings, growth and harmony.
You will need:
White air drying clay
Threading cord
Old ballpoint pen (for tiki)
2 small round gems (for tiki - optional)
To make the Koru necklace:
(pictured above)
Roll a piece of clay to form a sausage shape. Make the ends into points. Roll into a loose spiral. Press flat. Use the end of a paintbrush to make a hole. Leave to dry out. Thread on to cord.
To make the twist necklace:
The twist represents friendship and eternity.
Roll a piece of clay to form a sausage shape that is thicker in the middle than at the ends. Join the ends together to form a loop. Twist the loop so three small loops are formed. Press flat. Leave to dry out. Thread on to cord.
To make a hei tiki necklace
Bone carving hei tiki necklace. The hei tiki is a symbol of good luck.
Make a disk of clay and mark the ribs with an old pen. Make a second disk. Press this into the top of the first disk so it forms the head. Use the old pen to mark on the face. If you wish, push in two gem stones as eyes. Use the end of a paintbrush to make a hole at the top of the head for hanging. Make a small sausage of clay and break it into 4. Use these to make the arms and legs. Leave to dry out. Thread on to cord.
The most valuable tikis were carved out of greenstone and became family heirlooms. You could make your hei tiki necklace out of green oven-baked clay if you prefer.
Here is a "real" hei tiki necklace.