Bonfire Night Dot to Dots


Choose from three Bonfire Night dot to dot pages - one with numbers 1-10, one with numbers 1-15 and one with numbers 1-30.

Bonfire Dot to Dot

Bonfire Dot to Dot

This bonfire dot to dot needs careful observation skills to follow the dots in the right order and draw the flickering flames.

Guy Fawkes Hat Dot to Dot

Guy Fawkes Hat Dot to Dot

Join the dots and follow the simple outline on our Guy Fawkes hat dot to dot for a fun Bonfire Night activity. Children can colour the picture afterwards.  

Rocket Dot to Dot

Rocket Dot to Dot

Keep children busy while they wait for the fireworks to start with our firework rocket dot to dot. With a simple outline and numbers 1-10 this is a great puzzle for the very young.

More Bonfire Night Fun

Bonfire Night Mazes
Bonfire Night Mazes

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