Bonfire Lacing Card
Sewing around the flames on our bonfire lacing card will be a challenge for children's fine motor skills but they will love the result. We think red, yellow or orange yarn would look really good.
Lots NEW! For a bit of crafty fun for Bonfire Night with younger kids, why not print out our Bonfire Night lacing cards, cut them out and punch them ready for the kids to lace or sew?
Sewing around the flames on our bonfire lacing card will be a challenge for children's fine motor skills but they will love the result. We think red, yellow or orange yarn would look really good.
This is a fun lacing card for younger children, with its bright colours. Print onto card and then cut out - simplifying the edges if you like - and then punch holes for them to lace or thread.
Here's a really simple Guy Fawkes hat lacing card for Bonfire Night. Print on to card, cut out and laminate and punch holes around the edge before letting children loose with some brightly coloured yarn to lace through the holes.
Here's a fun lacing activity for younger kids on Bonfire Night! Guy Fawkes is always portrayed with this shape of hat, moustache and beard, so by the time they have laced or threaded the card they will certainly remember him - and 5th November!
This firework rocket lacing card is a fun activity for July 4th or Bonfire Night. Older children might like to make tassels to hang at the bottom of the rocket as sparks.