Bonnie Prince Charlie


Use our light-hearted printable activities to learn about Bonnie Prince Charlie with your younger children! We've got a fun collection of printables to explore below.

Learn a Little About Bonnie Prince Charlie

Bonnie Prince CharlieCharles Edward Stuart (1720-1788), better known as Bonnie Prince Charlie or The Young Pretender, was the grandson of the last Stuart king of England and Scotland, James II and VII. His grandfather, king from 1685 to 1688, had been deposed by Parliament, who feared he was too Catholic to rule Protestant England, and instead invited the Dutch William and Mary to replace him. When King James II went into his exile, his family and their supporters, the Jacobites, immediately began to plot to regain the throne.

Bonnie Prince Charlie was brought up in Italy, where his father had been given a residence by the Pope. He had a privileged childhood and was trained early as a "Pretender" - that is, a claimant to the throne. In 1743, when he was 23 years old, his father appointed him Prince Regent and gave him the authority to act in his name, and he rallied an army in his support with help for the French and set off for the Highlands of Scotland. He quickly captured Edinburgh, and in 1745 defeated the government's army at the battle of Prestonpans, then took Carlisle and marched south to Derbyshire. The future was looking good for the heroic and handsome Bonnie Prince Charlie, but he was over-confident. At the Battle of Culloden the Jacobite army was soundly defeated by the better-equipped and better-trained English army. Many Scots were killed and Bonnie Prince Charlie had to flee the country.

His escape from the English forces turned him into a folk hero in parts of Scotland. Songs were written about him - see below! He hid in the moors and always seemed to be one step ahead of his pursuers. Although there was a huge reward on his head, none of the Highlanders who helped him and hid him were tempted to turn him in. Eventually a lady called Flora Macdonald helped him to escape to the Isle of Skye, disguising him as her maid! From there he escaped to France and the Jacobite cause was lost.

Bonnie Prince Charlie had numerous affairs and several illegitimate children, and one unsuccessful marriage. He died in Italy aged 67, an embittered, unpleasant and alcoholic old man.

Bonnie Prince Charlie Printables

Bonnie Prince Charlie Booklet

Bonnie Prince Charlie Booklet

Whether you are building up a library of our famous people booklets or using them in lapbook projects they are a fun and different way to present your work.  Folding instructions can be found here.

Bonnie Prince Charlie Notebooking Page 1

Bonnie Prince Charlie Notebooking Page 1

There are two versions of our Bonnie Prince Charlie notebooking page. One is lined throughout; and the other includes space for a diagram, perfect for a family tree perhaps.  

Bonnie Prince Charlie Poster

Bonnie Prince Charlie Poster

Are you making a display of famous Scots or perhaps a timeline of Scottish history? Here is a useful poster of the Young Pretender, Prince Charles Edward Stuart, otherwise known as Bonnie Prince Charlie.

Bonnie Prince Charlie Story Paper

Bonnie Prince Charlie Story Paper

The handwriting version of our Bonnie Prince Charlie story paper is great for younger children to copy or have dictated a fact or quote. We also have a lined version for longer pieces of writing.

Bonnie Prince Charlie Worksheet

Bonnie Prince Charlie Worksheet

What can your children find out about Charles Edward Stuart? This Bonnie Prince Charlie guided worksheet asks for some facts but also asks children to think about whether he is someone they would like to meet.

Bonnie Prince Charlie Writing Page

Bonnie Prince Charlie Writing Page

Available in black and white or colour versions, we have a Bonnie Prince Charlie writing page, useful for project work on the Young Pretender to the throne.  

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