Try to find the 15 Botswana-themed words in this word search grid! We've included the solution too... Botswana word search - Log in or Become a Member to downloadBotswana word search - solution - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillagePuzzlesWord SearchesTopicsAround the WorldAfricaAfrica Word SearchesBotswana
Mauritius Word Search Can the kids find the 15 words or phrases all to do with Mauritius, that are hidden in the grid on this wordsearch?
Kenya Word Search We've hidden 15 words all to do with Kenya in this word search grid - can the children find them all? Solution available to download below...
Lesotho Word Search There are a few longer words hidden in our Lesotho word search grid, but they might still be tricky to find! If you need a little help, we've included the solution below...