British Wildlife Lacing Cards


Good to keep little hands busy as Autumn nights get longer. Print our British wildlife lacing cards onto cardstock, cut out, laminate and then cut out again. Punch holes around the edges and then practice threading cord or yarn through the holes.

Badger Lacing Card

Badger Lacing Card

Lacing is both fun and a good way of building up those important fine motor skills. This badger lacing card is great for Autumn or a British wildlife theme.

Bat Lacing Card

Bat Lacing Card

Here's a lovely, perky bat for younger children to "lace" for Halloween! Print onto card and cut out, laminate if you can, then punch holes around the edges. When finished I'm sure your child will be proud to hang the bat up on display.

Fox Lacing Card

Fox Lacing Card

This fox lacing card is a great way to extend a British Wildlife project or a reading of Fantastic Mr Fox! Perhaps children can practice their sewing while you read aloud? Simple outlines make this a fun lacing project for little kids.

Fox Lacing Card 2

Fox Lacing Card 2

Get out some brightly coloured wool and let the children have fun lacing around the outside of our second fox lacing card. With a more challenging outline this one is good for children who have had a bit of practice.

Hare Lacing Card

Hare Lacing Card

Just print, cut out and punch this cartoon hare for a fun lacing activity for younger kids. Laminate if you wish to reuse.

Hedgehog Lacing Card

Hedgehog Lacing Card

You can simplify cutting around the spikes to make preparing this hedgehog lacing card easier. It would make a lovely activity, snuggling on the sofa, as colder autumn days arrive. 

Hedgehog Lacing Card 2

Hedgehog Lacing Card 2

Available in colour or black and white, the simple, bold outlines of this funny hedgehog make it easy for you to cut out and for the kids to lace or sew up!

Leopard Lacing Card

Leopard Lacing Card

Children can have fun lacing the leopard with this leopard lacing card. I think it is okay to skip lacing the tail!

Mole Lacing Card

Mole Lacing Card

Lacing is a good way of practising hand control and helping improve grip and concentration, all important in developing writing skills. This cute mole lacing card is sure to be a favourite.

Mouse Lacing Card

Mouse Lacing Card

Print this mouse face on to card and cut out, laminate if you like, then punch holes around the outside to make a mouse lacing card. The ears will be a bit of a challenge but it is still a relatively simple outline for younger kids to undertake.

Mouse Lacing Card 2

Mouse Lacing Card 2

The body of our mouse lacing card number 2 provides a nice simple outline for young hands to lace around. You might like to cut off the tail when you are cutting this lacing card out, then tie on a wool tail!

Owl Lacing Card

Owl Lacing Card

Our wise cartoon owl makes a lovely lacing card for younger children. Just print, cut out and punch.. Laminate if you wish to reuse.

Puffin Lacing Card

Puffin Lacing Card

The bright coloured bills make puffins my favourite bird. This puffin lacing card would look nice with red or yellow lacing to match the bill. It might be easier to cut away the tufty feathers on his head when cutting out the outline of the bird.

Rabbit Lacing Card

Rabbit Lacing Card

Our rabbit lacing card is perfect for younger children at Easter, Chinese New Year, spring, a farm topic... in fact any time! Just print onto card, cut out, and punch holes around the edges for the kids to lace up.

Rabbit Lacing Card 2

Rabbit Lacing Card 2

This cute rabbit lacing card makes a fun lacing or sewing activity for younger children. Laminate for extra strength and if you wish to reuse.

Rat Lacing Card

Rat Lacing Card

We love this cheeky rat lacing card - he's got such a lovely smile! Just print onto card, cut out and punch holes around the edges. Laminate it if you intend repeat use.

Squirrel Lacing Card

Squirrel Lacing Card

Lacing card for younger kids with a squirrel theme! Just print out our squirrel lacing card onto card, punch holes and you are ready to lace. Lacing cards are great for developing fine motor skills and as this one is a little tricky it might take some concentration, too.

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British Wildlife Notebooking Pages

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