Camel Acrostic Poem Printable
Children can show off what they know about camels by writing a poem on our camel acrostic poem printable.
Practice handwriting and learn about the diet and habits of these desert animals with our printable camel worksheets.
Children can show off what they know about camels by writing a poem on our camel acrostic poem printable.
Children get phonics, writing and colouring practice with our camel finger tracing worksheet! Sound out the letters, trace the word and then colour the picture.
Writing real words gives meaning to handwriting practice. Our camel handwriting worksheet gives good practice in writing curved letters.
Chose from two versions of our camel notebooking page, ruled and ruled with diagram space. Children can then record their research into these interesting desert animals.
Tell a story of a desert journey with our camel story paper. Perhaps your children could write their version of the story of the Three Kings of the Nativity story?
Specially for the younger kids, here's a camel tracing page for some pencil control practise and colouring fun!
Trace over the dotted letter and then colour in the camel for double pencil skills practice.
Are camels' humps really full of water? Children will need to find the answer to facts like this to complete our camel worksheet.
Our camel writing page can be used to write a camel fact sheet or in creative writing projects. We have a choice of black and white or colour versions.
It's fun to write letters - and receive them - when they have cute illustrations like this lovely camel! This paper might also be useful for story writing.
This story paper features a lovely scene of two camels walking through the desert, to help inspire the children to write their own creative story.