

Did you know that Cameroon has the world's most poisonous lake? Discover more fun facts about Cameroon with your kids, and enjoy our printable flags and activities.

Waterfall in the tropical jungle, Cameroon
Waterfall in the tropical jungle, Cameroon

A little Geography

  • Cameroon is located in Central and West Africa, and is triangular in shape.
  • Cameroon shares a border with six countries: Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Congo, Central African Republic, Chad, and Nigeria. It also borders the Atlantic Ocean on the west side, and Lake Chad on the North.
  • Mount Cameroon is one of Africa's largest volcanoes, and the highest peak in sub-Saharan western and central Africa rising to 4,040 metres (13,255 ft) above the west coast. The volcano is still active and last erupted in 2012.
  • Often referred to as "Africa in miniature", Cameroon hosts roughly 90 per cent of all the ecosystem types found in Africa (it has a coastline, mountains, savanna, desert and a tropical rainforest).

A Little History

  • Archaeologists have evidence suggesting humans have inhabited Cameroon for at least 50,000 years. The earliest inhabitants of Cameroon were probably the Baka (Pygmies).
  • The first Europeans to arrive were the Portuguese in 1472. The Portuguese explorer Fernão do Pó noticed an abundance of shrimp in the Wouri River and named it Rio dos Camarões (Portuguese for River of Prawns), the phrase from which Cameroon got its name.
  • The German colony of Kamerun was established in 1884. It remained German until after World War I when it was split up between Britain and France.
  • Cameroon was created in 1961 when French and British Cameroon were merged, and both languages are still spoken.

Some Interesting Facts 

  • The Republic of Cameroon has a population of 15.5 million.
  • The capital city, Yaounde, is in the centre of the country, but the port of Douala is the largest city and home to the international airport.
  • The rainforests are one of Africa's most diverse habitats and home to pygmy tribes including the Baka, Bulu, Beti and Bagyeli.
  • In 1990, Cameroon became the first African country to enter the quarter-final of the FIFA World Cup, with some wonderful play by the 38 year old Roger Milla.

Cameroon on map of Africa
Cameroon on map of Africa. Printable version here.

  • Visitors come to see hippos in Benoue National Park and forest deer called bongos, which have white stripes to help them evade hunters.
  • Lake Nyos is considered the most deadly in the world as poisonous gases seep out from the volcano below.

Bongo deer, Cameroon
Bongo deer with its white stripes!

The Cameroon Flag

Cameroon flag

The National flag of Cameroon was adopted in May 1975, after Cameroon became a unitary state. It consists of three vertical strips, coloured green, red and yellow. In the middle of the red strip is a 5-pointed yellow star. The central red stripe represents unity, and the star is often referred to as ‘the star of unity’. The yellow and green colours represent the sun and forest respectively.

Our Cameroon Resources

A Day In Cameroon Diary

A Day In Cameroon Diary

Write a diary entry as if you are growing up in Cameroon. What might happen in a typical day, and what would you eat and do for fun?

Cameroon Bookmarks

Cameroon Bookmarks

These Cameroon bookmarks are easy and fun to make - perfect if you're supporting the team in a World Cup perhaps?

Cameroon Coat Of Arms Worksheet

Cameroon Coat Of Arms Worksheet

Do some research on the Cameroon coat of arms then write about the significance of the different parts. For an extra challenge, try designing your own coat of arms on our second worksheet found below...

Cameroon Compare And Contrast Venn Diagram

Cameroon Compare And Contrast Venn Diagram

Your life might be very different from that of someone in Cameroon, but there may still be similarities too! Use this Venn diagram to find out more about the similarities and differences...

Cameroon Fact Worksheet

Cameroon Fact Worksheet

Find out the answers to the questions and fill in our fact-finding worksheet on Cameroon.

Cameroon Facts Poster

Cameroon Facts Poster

Our colourful facts posters for different countries are perfect for displays and contain 7 key facts, plus a map of the country filled in with the colours of the flag. This one is for Cameroon.

Cameroon Factsheet

Cameroon Factsheet

You'll find a map, a flag and plenty of useful facts on this one-page Cameroon factsheet. Perfect for printing and using in scrapbooks, projects and lots more!

Cameroon Location Worksheet

Cameroon Location Worksheet

Help children learn and remember the location of Cameroon with these location worksheets. The guided worksheet has countries and capitals marked.

Cameroon Picture Gallery

Cameroon Picture Gallery

Draw some pictures to do with Cameroon in these picture gallery frames, or cut and stick some photographs from magazines and printouts. Perfect for making a fun display!

Cameroon Postcard 1

Cameroon Postcard 1

Imagine you are visiting Cameroon, and write a postcard to a friend back home telling them all about it! You can use the picture for inspiration.

Cameroon Postcard 2

Cameroon Postcard 2

What do you think you might see in Cameroon? You can draw a picture on this postcard and write a description too...

Cameroon Poster 1

Cameroon Poster 1

Print off this colourful Cameroon poster and use for your displays.

Cameroon Poster 2

Cameroon Poster 2

The colourful flag of Cameroon fills out the shape of the country on this poster - easy to print and perfect for displaying!

Cameroon Story Paper

Cameroon Story Paper

Write about what you see on photograph, or try writing a creative story set in Cameroon using this story paper.

Cameroon Study Pack

Cameroon Study Pack

Explore the geography, wildlife, climate and everyday lives of the people of Cameroon with the help of our Cameroon Study Pack. This 25-page pack is full of fun and creative activities to help inspire and encourage some research...

Cameroon Tourist Leaflet

Cameroon Tourist Leaflet

This fun printable allows the children to come up with a design for a professional looking 3-fold tourist leaflet for Cameroon. 

Cameroon Travel Brochure Worksheet

Cameroon Travel Brochure Worksheet

This fun travel brochure worksheet for Cameroon is great for encouraging some research work, whilst practising literacy skills too. Can the children write an eye-catching travel brochure for Cameroon?

Cameroon Word Search

Cameroon Word Search

Here's a fun activity for part of your Cameroon studies. Can the kids find 15 words all to do with Cameroon in the word search grid? 

Cameroon Worksheet

Cameroon Worksheet

Record what you've learned about the African country of Cameroon with the help of our worksheet.

Climate Of Cameroon Worksheet

Climate Of Cameroon Worksheet

This fun climate worksheet is bound to appeal to the kids! Can they describe the climate of Cameroon, then find out what the weather is like there today and present the information on the weather app template provided?

Culture In Cameroon Worksheet

Culture In Cameroon Worksheet

The population of Cameroon is made up of over 250 tribes and ethnic groups, each with its own distinctive dress style, dance style, music etc. Find out a little about some of these and write about them, or draw or stick pictures in the boxes on this worksheet.

Design A Tourism Poster For Cameroon

Design A Tourism Poster For Cameroon

Here's a fun, creative activity if you're learning about Cameroon. Can the kids design an eye-catching poster encouraging tourists to visit Cameroon?

Food From Cameroon Worksheet

Food From Cameroon Worksheet

Cameroonian cuisine is said to be one of the most diverse in Africa due to its location near the centre of the continent. Find out a bit more about the food that's popular there, and draw a typical meal on the plate.

Introduction to Cameroon

Introduction to Cameroon

We've got two pages of geography, history and interesting facts listed as bullet points on this useful printable - the perfect quick introduction to Cameroon!

Packing For Cameroon Worksheet

Packing For Cameroon Worksheet

We've provided the suitcase, now you just need to draw or write everything you would need to take for a week staying in Cameroon!

Wildlife Of Cameroon Worksheet

Wildlife Of Cameroon Worksheet

The national animal of Cameroon is the lion, but can the children find out about the other native animals and the native plants of Cameroon then record what they find on this worksheet?

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