Canada Colouring Pages


Enjoy our collection of Canada themed colouring pages, featuring Canadian animals, Canadian sports and the Canadian flag!

Beaver Colouring Page

Beaver Colouring Page

Here's a simple beaver colouring page for younger children, with the word underneath the picture.

Beaver Colouring Page 2

Beaver Colouring Page 2

Everyone loves a bit of colouring and this beaver colouring page is a great way to occupy kids for a while. We have lots of other suitable colouring pages on the site if you have animal lovers to please!

Beaver Tracing Picture

Beaver Tracing Picture

Tracing around the outline of this beaver picture is great pencil control practice. Young children will enjoy the feeling of "drawing" and can then finish off by colouring in the picture.

Canada Doodle Colouring Card

Canada Doodle Colouring Card

Whether you are celebrating Canada Day or looking for a card with a difference for your favourite Canadian we think this fun Canada doodle colouring card will have you reaching for the colouring pencils.

Canada Doodle Colouring Page

Canada Doodle Colouring Page

This Canada doodle colouring page for older children and adults is crammed with little fun details. What can you spot?

Canada Flag Colouring Page

Canada Flag Colouring Page

The Canadian Flag with its bold red and white maple leaf makes a simple colour project.  Print our Canada Flag colouring page to celebrate Canada Day or at any time of year. 

Canada National Flower Colouring Page

Canada National Flower Colouring Page

Colour in this picture of the pretty bunchberry, the national flower for Canada.

Fun Fact: The bunchberry won a poll to decide Canada's national flower in 2017 with 80% of the votes.

Canadian Animals Colouring Page

Canadian Animals Colouring Page

Perfect for Canada Day or any time you want to celebrate Canada, our colouring page features a collection of Canadian animals.

CN Tower Colouring Page

CN Tower Colouring Page

The CN Tower in Toronto is one of the most famous landmarks in Canada. This colouring page shows a view of the Toronto skyline including the CN Tower for you to enjoy colouring.

Ice Hockey Colouring Page 3

Ice Hockey Colouring Page 3

The third of our ice hockey colouring pages comes in two versions, one with a title and one without, to suit everyone.

Moose Colouring Page

Moose Colouring Page

Colour in our simple but realistic moose colouring page - it includes the word underneath the picture.

Mountie Colouring Page

Mountie Colouring Page

Here's a fun colouring page of a Canadian mountie, designed for younger kids. You could colour in a whole parade of Mounties and put them up on display!

Mounties colouring page

Mounties Colouring Page

This colouring page for older kids really captures the excitment of a parade by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Mounties for short. Make sure you have your red pencil or pen handy!

Rocky Mountains Colouring Page

Rocky Mountains Colouring Page

Older children and adults are sure to love the details in this beautiful scenic colouring page of the Rocky Mountains.  

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