Captain Tom


Captain Sir Thomas Moore (1920 - 2021), more popularly known simply as Captain Tom, became known worldwide for his extraordinary achievements raising money for charities during the Covid-19 pandemic.

On 6th April 2020, at the grand old age of 99, Captain Tom started to walk around his garden to raise money for NHS Charities Together. He aimed to walk 100 laps of the garden by his 100th birthday on 30th April, to raise £1,000. He raised £1,000 - and much, much more! In fact, by his 100th birthday just 24 days later, Captain Tom had raised an astounding £30 million!

"Tomorrow will be a good day."
Captain Tom's motto

Captain Tom won all our hearts with his brave efforts, and we celebrated his 100th birthday by sending him over 150,000 birthday cards, including a special one from the Queen! A month later, Captain Tom travelled to Windsor Castle to meet the Queen and receive a knighthood, and he has received many other awards in recognition of his achievement.

Fun Facts:

  • Did you know that Captain Tom holds two Guinness World Records? The first is for raising the most amount of money ever from an individual charity walk, and the second is for being the oldest person to have a number one single (with Michael Ball) on the UK charts!
  • At least two buses, a train, a model train, a rescue powerboat and a police puppy have all been named after Captain Tom!
  • Captain Tom was awarded the prestigious gold Blue Peter badge. Very few are awarded to adults. Other adult recipients have been the Queen, Sir David Attenborough and Mary Berry.


You can read more about Captain Tom and donate to the charities he supported through The Captain Tom Foundation.

Captain Tom Colouring Page 2

Captain Tom Colouring Page 2

Captain Tom, aged 99, walked 100 laps around his garden to raise money for NHS charities, and by doing so lifted the spirits of the nation during the first months of the Covid-19 pandemic. What a true hero he was.

Captain Tom Writing Page

Captain Tom Writing Page

Perhaps the children can use this writing page to put down their thoughts about what Captain Tom did for the country, copy his famous motto, or perhaps write a tribute to this inspiring old man.

Design an Award for Captain Tom

Design an Award for Captain Tom

Captain Tom was awarded medals for his service during the Second World War. He also won many awards, and was knighted, in 2020, for his amazing fundraising achievements during the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic. Can you design a new award for Captain Tom?

When you walk through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark

At the end of the storm
There's a golden sky
and the sweet silver song  of the lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Though your dreams be tossed and blown

Walk on, walk on,
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone.

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