Caterpillar Printables


We've some very bright and cheerful caterpillar printables for you to download and print, young children will love them.

Butterfly Life Cycle Matching Cards

Butterfly Life Cycle Matching Cards

Use these butterfly lifecycle cards double sided to test vocabulary, or cut out individually for matching activities. To make double-sized flashcards, just cut around all the outer edges, fold along the vertical centre line and then glue back to back.

Butterfly Life Cycle Photo Poster

Butterfly Life Cycle Photo Poster

You can see all of the stages in the lifecycle of the butterfly together on this lovely poster. Perfect for project books and displays! 

Butterfly Life Cycle Poster

Butterfly Life Cycle Poster

There are four stages in the metamorphosis of butterflies, and we've shown them all in a simple diagram on this printable life cycle poster. Display our labelled version, or print the blank version and ask the children if they can name each stage.

Butterfly Life Cycle Posters Set

Butterfly Life Cycle Posters Set

We've got a set of 4 lovely colourful posters  - one for each stage of the butterfly life cycle - to print and display in the classroom. Choose from labelled, or blank versions below.

Butterfly Life Cycle Sequencing Cards

Butterfly Life Cycle Sequencing Cards

This fun activity tests how much the kids know about the lifecycle of the butterfly. Print out the cards and the arrows, cut out (and laminate if you want to reuse them), then ask the children to arrange them in the correct order.

Butterfly Life Cycle Word Cards

Butterfly Life Cycle Word Cards

This set of butterfly life cycle word cards includes some of the terminology that you will need when describing the butterfly life cycle. Perfect for displays, vocabulary work and so on...

Butterfly Matching Numerals Cards

Butterfly Matching Numerals Cards

Count the pictures - all caterpillars and butterflies - and match to the right number card. Alternatively, fold the cards in half down the centre and glue back to back to form double-sided flash cards.

Caterpillar Bookmarks

Caterpillar Bookmarks

Encourage the kids to get some reading done with the help of these funny caterpillar bookmarks! They print 4 to a page and look so cute with their heads sticking out!

Caterpillar by Christina Rossetti

Caterpillar by Christina Rossetti

This lovely poem is a perfect fit for children. It's simplicity, rhyme scheme and its tie-in with the butterfly life cycle provide plenty to think about.

Caterpillar Poster

Caterpillar Poster

Part of our huge collection of cartoon animal posters, here's a happy caterpillar poster to print and display.

Caterpillar Poster 2

Caterpillar Poster 2

What wonderful colours and designs you can see on this extraordinary caterpillar! This close-up photo just shows what amazing creatures minibeasts are, despite their size.

Caterpillar Tracing Page

Caterpillar Tracing Page

Tracing around the segments of the body on our caterpillar tracing page will be a fun way for children to practise their pre-writing skills.

Caterpillars Scene Card

Caterpillars Scene Card

These caterpillars look like they are having fun! This caterpillar card would make a fun spring birthday card, perhaps?

Caterpillars Scene Poster

Caterpillars Scene Poster

This caterpillars scene poster is so bright and colourful you can't help but smile when you see it. Why not print and laminate and use as a table mat?

Complete the Caterpillar Picture

Complete the Caterpillar Picture

Help develop drawing confidence by getting the kids to add n the details to complete the caterpillar picture. Don't forget to colour it when you've finished!  

More Caterpillar Activities

Caterpillar Puzzles
Caterpillar Puzzles

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