There's nothing cuter than little chicks, and this colouring page has two of them, plus their mother too. Grab some crayons and colour them in... Chickens scene colouring page - Log in or Become a Member to download Explore Activity VillageColouring PagesTopicsAnimalsFarm AnimalsFarm Animal Colouring PagesAnimal Colouring PagesAnimal Scene Colouring PagesBirdsBirds A-ZChickensChicken Colouring PagesChicksChick Colouring PagesBird Colouring Pages
Chicken Colouring Page Here's a fun chicken colouring page - perfect for younger children with its bold lines and size. It's part of a set of similar farmyard printables.
Chicken Colouring Page 2 Here's a printable chicken colouring page with simple outlines and the word underneath the picture for younger children.