Chinese Lantern Craft


Every Chinese New Year ends with a beautiful display of lanterns at the Lantern Festival. Your children can make their own colourful Chinese lantern craft for your Chinese New Year display. This lantern can be adapted for all ages of kids.

Chinese lantern craft

You will need:

Black card (or red, for a more traditional Chinese lantern)
Lots of different coloured tissue paper
Glue stick
Thread to hang


Draw your design on to the black card. When you are happy cut out your ‘windows’.

Older children may like to try more complex designs. Younger children will need this done for them. Our lantern was made by Sam, aged 2, and so is very simple.

Glue around the edges of the windows and cover with tissue paper.

Roll the card into a cylinder shape and staple together. Make two holes at the top and thread through some wool or thread to hang.


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