Chinese New Year Character Study Worksheets


Here's a really interesting exercise which asks children to pretend they are writing a script for a television programme and drawing up a main character profile based on typical characteristics according to the Chinese Zodiac animals! They will have to think about the sort of hobbies, language and job that their character might have, fitting it to the adjectives we provide. What role will they play in the screenplay?

Chinese Zodiac Character Study Worksheets

All Chinese Zodiac Character Study Worksheets

This set contains a character study worksheet for each animal in the Chinese zodiac (twelve in total). Each worksheet asks the kids to imagine they are writing a part for a central character in a television programme, who is typical of people born in that year.

Year of the Dog Character Study Worksheet

Year of the Dog Character Study Worksheet

Affectionate, loyal, honest, sporting, generous and helpful - these are some of the adjectives used to describe people born in the Year of Dog, and this worksheet asks the children to write a script for a television programme with a central character who possesses these qualities.

Year of the Goat Character Study Worksheet

Year of the Goat Character Study Worksheet

Learn about the adjectives used to describe someone born in the Year of the Goat, then ask the children to describe the main character of a television programme with these characteristics. What would they do for a living and for hobbies?


Year of the Horse Character Study Worksheet

Year of the Horse Character Study Worksheet

People born in the Year of the Horse are said to be fun, independent, popular, talented, cheerful and perceptive - perfect for the main character in a television programme!

Year of the Monkey Character Study Worksheet

Year of the Monkey Character Study Worksheet

People born in the Year of the Monkey sound like they would make a great character for a television programme - they're clever, happy, inventive, flexible, confident and enthusiastic! 

Year of the Ox character study worksheet

Year of the Ox Character Study Worksheet

Here's a creative writing worksheet with a difference! We've asked the kids to create and describe a character for a TV programme based on the adjectives used to describe people born in the Year of the Ox- we've listed them at the start to help them out...

Year of the Pig Character Study Worksheet

Year of the Pig Character Study Worksheet

Children sometimes need a little help with creating original characters and describing them in detail. We've listed the characteristics of someone born in the Year of the Pig to help them, so the children just need to describe their character and add as much detail as possible!

Year of the Rabbit Character Study Worksheet

Year of the Rabbit Character Study Worksheet

Learn a little about the Chinese Zodiac and practise character development skills with our character study worksheets! Can the children develop a character born in the Year of the Rabbit, who might be lucky, conscientious, peaceful, virtuous, kind and articulate? 

Year of the Rat Character Study Worksheet

Year of the Rat Character Study Worksheet

Here's a fun way for children to practise describing characters and character traits in their writing. Imagine you are writing a script for a television programme and your main character is typical of people born in the Year of the Rat.

Year of the Rooster Character Study Worksheet

Year of the Rooster Character Study Worksheet

Can the children write a character profile for the main character in a television programme, who is typical of someone born in the Year of the Rooster? We've included some of the adjectives often used to describe people born in the Year of the Rooster to get them started...

Year of the Snake Character Study Worksheet

Year of the Snake Character Study Worksheet

People born in the Year of the Snake are said to be determined, calm, sympathetic, elegant, wise and passionate! This worksheet asks the children to create a character who possesses these character traits and then describe them in detail.

Year of the Tiger Character Study Worksheet

Year of the Tiger Character Study Worksheet

Emotional, brave, sympathetic, sensitive, daring and powerful - these are some of the adjectives often used to describe people born in the Year of the Tiger! Can the children create a character for a television programme based on these character traits, and write about them in detail? 

More Chinese New Year Fun

Chinese Zodiac Fact Finding Worksheets
Chinese Zodiac Fact Finding Worksheets

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