Chinese New Year Counting and Bar Chart
Count up the pictures in the Chinese New Year "I Spy" sheet. Then, if you like, use the second page of this colourful activity to put the results into bar chart form.
Lots NEW! Use Chinese New Year as an excuse to brush up some maths skills with the kids! Have fun with ordinal numbers, an I Spy activity, Chinese takeaway menus and more!
Count up the pictures in the Chinese New Year "I Spy" sheet. Then, if you like, use the second page of this colourful activity to put the results into bar chart form.
For our Chinese New Year tuff tray, we have used chopsticks and pompoms. We have also used an ice cube tray and a wooden tray with numbers written on it. This activity is great for developing fine motor skills. It can also be used for counting, sorting and patterning.
In £ sterling, $ and euros, here's a fun addition worksheet based around Chinese takeaway food. Yum!
Whether you are working with £, $ or euros, this is a fun money recognition (notes and coins) and addition activity based on our Chinese takeaway menu.
Practise your maths with these fun Chinese takeaway questions! Use our Chinese takeaway menu printable and challenge the kids with 8 different word questions on these printable cards.
Use this Chinese take away menu in your role play activities or with the Chinese take away maths resources that we designed to be used with it. Or, of course, you could make up your own...
Children can have fun learning their ordinal numbers with the help of the Chinese Zodiac. Fill in the missing ordinal numbers and then use the information to answer the questions.
Here's a fun activity that helps the children learn two things - the Chinese zodiac and their ordinal numbers! They need to use the information on the worksheet to fill in the order of the animals in the Chinese zodiac, then cut out the cute animal cards and arrange them into order.
Chinese Zodiac Maths Facts Colouring Pages