Chinese Zodiac Cards


Print out these fun Chinese Zodiac cards and use them to play games with the kids at Chinese New Year. Find the printables below.

Game Ideas for our Chinese Zodiac Cards

Memory Game:

If you print out two copies and then cut the cards out, you could play a memory game. Lay all the cards on the table face down, then turn two cards over. If they are a pair, remove them. If not, study their position and try to remember it, then turn them back over. Turn over another two cards, and continue.

Matching Game (Go Fish):

Print out 4 copies of the "cards" and cut out. Use to play a variation of Go Fish


Print out 2 or 4 copies and use to play snap.

These cards are also used to play Chinese Zodiac Anagram Challenge

PDF iconChinese zodiac cards - with animal name - Log in or Become a Member to download
PDF iconChinese zodiac cards - blank - Log in or Become a Member to download
Chinese zodiac cards


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