Christmas Greater Than Less Than Worksheet 1
The first of our "greater than, less than" Christmas worksheets asks children to compare pairs of 2-digit numbers and decide whether they are greater than, less than or equal to each other.
Lots NEW! Bring some festive fun into the classroom with these fun Christmas themed maths (or math!) worksheets and resources. Counting, sequencing, ordering, simple problems - all are included below.
The first of our "greater than, less than" Christmas worksheets asks children to compare pairs of 2-digit numbers and decide whether they are greater than, less than or equal to each other.
Our second Christmas "greater than, less than" worksheet asks children to compare the numbers on pairs of stockings and write the correct sign between them. Numbers are all 3-digits (hundreds).
Here is another Christmas "greater than lesser than" worksheet, this time with a series of stockings and numbers in thousands. It challenges the children to choose the correct sign to put into each box.
Our fourth "greater than less than" worksheet with a Christmas theme asks children to choose the correct sign between each series of stockings, with 4 digits (thousands).
Challenge the kids to this Christmas "greater than less than" worksheet with a stocking theme. Put the correct sign between each pair of decimal stockings!
Our sixth "greater than less than" worksheet with a Christmas theme focuses on decimals, asking children to look at the pairs of stockings and work out which of 3 signs to put into the boxes. The answers are included on page 2.
This printable Christmas hundred square is a fun resource to help children learn their numbers, and will help them find out how even and odd numbers are placed across the grid. Perfect for leaving around the classroom over the festive period!
Why not let the children try this fun festive hundred square this Christmas? It's a great resource for helping them learn their numbers, and also how to count on and backwards from a number.
This Christmas hundred square is perfect for children who are getting more confident with numbers. Can they fill in the blank number squares?
Our maths facts colouring pages are a fun way to practise some simple sums and enjoy watching this special Christmas picture take shape as a result!
Can the kids solve these simple sums, to find the right colours for our Christmas colouring page? Who knew maths could be such fun!
These three missing number worksheets all have a festive twist. Can the kids fill in the numbers missing from the stockings, wreaths, and Christmas trees?
These festive stockings and presents are a fun way to help the kids practise number bonds to 10 this Christmas. Can they add the missing number so each pair of stockings or presents adds up to 10? Choose from the UK or US version of this worksheet below.
Find out how well the kids know their odd and even numbers by asking them to try this Christmas Odds and Evens worksheet. Can they colour in all the odd numbered presents red and all the even numbered presents green? Choose from UK or US versions below.
This Christmas odds and evens worksheet is great for challenging kids who are confident with recognising larger odd and even numbers. Choose from UK or US versions below.
Here's a maths worksheet with a festive twist. Can the children colour in all odd numbered stockings red and all even numbered stockings green? We've got UK and US versions to choose from below.
Challenge the kids this Christmas with this fun odds and evens worksheet. Can the children work out which stockings are odd numbered and which are even numbered, then colour them in correctly? We have two versions of this worksheet available to download: UK or US.
These bright and cheerful Christmas pattern tiles are designed to print on to card, laminate, cut out and use to complete the patterns on our pattern worksheets here: Christmas pattern 1 and
These fun Christmas themed worksheets are a good way for children to practice the important skill of recognising patterns. We have colour and black and white versions to chose from.
Part way between a puzzle and a worksheet our Christmas patterns printable provides a fun filler activitiy for those excited pre Christmas days.
Can the children create a lovely Christmas picture by solving the multiplication sums on Page 1 and glueing the correct pieces onto the second page? We've included the solution if they need a little bit of help...
Here's a simple Christmas colouring challenge for younger ones! We have two printables here, one with tree coloured and one all black and white.
Colour in the decorations on the Christmas tree according to our instructions. Some careful counting will be required! This is a fun printable for early learners in the Christmas classroom.
Count the Christmas decorations, Christmas trees and Christmas presents - all numbers from 11 to 20 - and compare, filling in the blanks.
Count the different Christmas decorations - there are six to keep track of and they are all colourful and appealing. We've got a colour and a black and white version of this Christmas counting activity.
In colour or black and white, this counting activity has a very Chritmassy feel as it is based on four different types of Christmas stockings!
Here is a different sort of puzzle, which asks children to count carefully in an attempt to help Father Christmas find a lost key. There is practice of up, down, left and right too.
Solve some simple addiiton problems (up to 10) to help Father Christmas find his lost key! This puzzle is so much fun that the kids won't even realise they are practising their maths skills too...
Solve the maths problems to work out how many squares Father Christmas should move around this "treasure map" in order to find his lost key. Time to brush up those times tables!
Print out this ice rink scene and slice along the vertical lines. The kids then need to count from 1 to 10 correctly to put the picture back together! Available in colour, and black and white.
Number the string of Christmas lights with the correct ordinal numbers, then colour them in following the instructions. A fun Christmas worksheet!
Colour the pictures according to the instructions for some practice with ordinal numbers at Christmas.
Here's a fun way to practice ordinal numbers this Christmas. Colour the correct picture in each row...
Print and use in the classroom or home, as a worksheet (can your child recognise the shapes and colours of the Christmas ornaments?) or perhaps as a Christmas template.
Here's a simple jigsaw to make that will keep the kids busy waiting for Christmas to arrive! Print onto some good quality card, then slice along the vertical lines. The kids then need to use the numbers to put the cosy winter scene back together.