Christmas Scenes Colouring Advent Calendar


Here's a colouring advent calendar or a Christmas colouring project with a difference! Print, colour and cut out a page a day and assemble a cast of characters, all involved in Christmas activities - both secular and religious. We've provided a simple way to stand your characters up every day, too, so that you can put them on display - perhaps on a chest or sideboard, next to a small Christmas tree or other Christmas decorations. Each page is dated and numbered so that the kids have something to look forward to, and excitement will build as they get towards 24th December!

Christmas Scenes Colouring Advent Calendar

All you need to get started is 24 sheets of printer card, some scissors, colouring pens or pencils, and a roll of sticky tape if you want to stand the characters up.

This is a large 7MB file, so please make sure you have a good connection when you download.

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Christmas scenes colouring advent calendar


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