Christmas Stocking Printables


We've got a huge collection of Christmas stocking printables, including templates, jigsaws, scrapbook paper, puzzles, learn to draw and much more! Explore and have fun...

24 Christmas Stockings Printable

24 Christmas Stockings Printable

There are so many ways you can use these cheerful Christmas stockings! Make a DIY Advent Calendar, hang a double-sided banner, use as money or gift card pockets, put up a Christmas number line to 25, make colourful labels for presents, play a pairs matching game, decorate the classroom ...

Christmas Scrapbook Paper - Stockings

Christmas Scrapbook Paper - Stockings

Here's a pretty Christmas scrapbook paper with a gentle red and pink colour scheme and stocking motif - great for all sorts of projects. It would be very pretty as a notebook cover, perhaps? You will need the password for this pdf.

Christmas stocking fuse bead pattern

Christmas Stocking Fuse Bead Pattern

Here's a lovely old fashioned stocking made out of fuse beads! This is more suitable for older kids as the turn down on the stocking is quite complicated. You could hang your stocking on the tree when done!

Christmas Stocking Lacing Card

Christmas Stocking Lacing Card

This colourful Christmas Stocking lacing card is perfectly sized for younger children's hands. Print onto card, cut out, and laminate for extra durability.

Christmas Stocking Match Up

Christmas Stocking Match Up

This colourful Christmas match-up puzzle is a fun activity to keep kids busy while you wait for Christmas to arrive! Match the pairs of Christmas stockings to find the odd one out.

Christmas Stocking Matching Game

Christmas Stocking Matching Game

Have fun playing a Christmas memory game with our pretty Christmas stocking matching game cards! You could also use them for sorting and counting activities with younger children.

Christmas Stocking Playdough Mat

Christmas Stocking Playdough Mat

This Christmas stocking needs decorating and some presents poking out! Have fun with playdough making the stocking ready for Christmas.

Christmas Stocking Poster

Christmas Stocking Poster

Christmas stockings are what Christmas is all about for young children! Here's a printable poster of a traditional stocking, filled with presents.

Christmas Stocking Poster 2

Christmas Stocking Poster 2

Here's a big, bold and bright Christmas stocking poster to print out and display, use in your crafts - or perhaps make into a sewing card for younger children?

Christmas Stocking Poster 3

Christmas Stocking Poster 3

Looks like someone is getting a special gift in their Christmas stocking! Print out this lovely Christmas stocking poster to use in displays and Christmas craft projects. 

Christmas Stocking Template

Christmas Stocking Template

Here's a Christmas stocking template in four sizes, which you can use in your Christmas crafts and projects.

Large Christmas Stocking Template

Christmas Stocking Template - Large

Here's a Christmas stocking template that you can use for your Christmas craft projects. It also makes a good frame for Christmas writing...

Christmas Stocking Writing Paper

Christmas Stocking Writing Paper

We've got three printable variations of this lovely Christmas stocking writing paper - perfect for writing a letter to Father Christmas, perhaps?

Christmas Stockings Addition Peg Cards

Christmas Stockings Addition Peg Cards

Here's a fun way to practise simple addition skills with a Christmas stocking theme! Print and cut out the peg cards, the ask the children to do the sum and peg the answer. There are 5 pages with 20 cards in total, and you can choose between colour or black and white.

Christmas Word Jigsaws 7

Christmas Word Jigsaws 7

Two more printable Christmas word jigsaws, this time of a stocking and a snowman. Print onto card and cut out along the wavy lines. Children now put them back together again, building familiarity with the spelling at the same time!

Complete the Stocking Puzzle

Complete the Stocking Puzzle

We've provided part of it, now get your child to complete the rest of this stocking picture by copying the image on the right. Lots of colouring in opportunities too!

Counting Christmas Stockings

Counting Christmas Stockings

In colour or black and white, this counting activity has a very Chritmassy feel as it is based on four different types of Christmas stockings!

Grid Copy Stocking

Grid Copy Stocking

Copy the Christmas stocking from the grid on the left to the grid on the right, square by square. It's a fun Christmas activity which takes concentration and a steady hand!

Learn to Draw a Christmas Stocking

Learn to Draw a Christmas Stocking

Christmas stockings are one of the most exciting aspects of Christmas for children all around the world! Kids can learn to draw a Christmas stocking with this fun step by step printable tutorial.

Merry Christmas Stocking Card

Merry Christmas Stocking Card

Need a quick Christmas card for a neighbour, school friend or relative? This bright and cheerful Merry Christmas stocking card just needs to be printed onto A4 paper then folded twice. You can then add your own message for a personal touch. 

Mystery Picture Puzzle - Christmas Stocking

Mystery Picture Puzzle - Christmas Stocking

Choose from an "easy" or "hard" version of this puzzle, and copy the squares of the grid one by one to reveal the picture. We've shown the Christmas stocking in the image below, but your child won't know what it is until the picture is completed.  

Stocking Acrostic Poem Printable 2

Stocking Acrostic Poem Printable 2

Our acrostic poem printables are useful not just for acrostic poetry, but also as a writing frame or surround for a Christmas notice. This one uses the Christmas stocking as its subject, and we have four variations below.

Stocking Finger Tracing

Stocking Finger Tracing

Younger children can practise their letters at Christmas with this fun stocking finger tracing worksheet. Start on the dots and trace each letter, first with a forefinger and then with a pencil.

Stocking Word Tracing

Stocking Word Tracing

There's a lovely stocking to colour in, once the kids have traced over the letters in the word! Perfect for some Christmas handwriting practice!

Stocking Writing Frame

Stocking Writing Frame

A simple but pretty stocking writing paper to use for Christmas letters - perhaps to Father Christmas himself?

Stockings Hanging Here Sign

Stockings Hanging Here Sign

Just to make sure that Father Christmas doesn't forget to visit, print out this sign and put it on display somewhere that he is sure to see it! You could laminate it to keep it safe and use it again next year.

The Christmas Stocking

The Christmas Stocking

Use this stocking writing frame to write or draw about the Christmas stocking - either some creative writing, or perhaps an explanation of where and how the tradition started.

What Did Santa Forget Match Up Puzzle

What Did Santa Forget Match Up Puzzle

The twins always get the same presents in their stockings on Christmas morning ... but not this year! Santa has forgotten to put something into Tim's stocking. Can the children pair up the toys and find what is missing?

What's in the Christmas Stocking

What's in the Christmas Stocking

This is a fun Christmas printable for the classroom or home. Ask the children to image what might be in the Christmas stocking, writing or drawing in their suggestions.

More Christmas Stocking Fun

Christmas Stocking Colouring Pages
Christmas Stocking Colouring Pages

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