53 countries belong to the Commonwealth, or Commonwealth of Nations, and together they are striving to make the world a better and fairer place! This lovely colouring page is for the children of the Commonwealth...
The national flower for the United Kingdom is, of course, the rose. Roses come in lots of different colours, so you can choose whichever you like for the rose on this colouring page.
Here's a high quality colouring page of the UK's national flag, the Union Flag (more commonly known as the Union Jack). Colour it in traditional (and correct) red white and blue, or go mad with other colours!
Here's a simple colouring page for the Birmingham Commonwealth Games in 2022 that will give the kids the chance to colour in the letters, the year and the Roman numerals for 22 - the 22nd Games! We've surrounded the colouring page with a frame that echoes the logo's colours.