Continent Maps


We have a variety of printable maps showing the continents, including black and white and colour versions of blank outline maps, maps with countries marked on them and maps with countries and capital cities.

Please note that our map printables are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate! The outlines have been smoothed so that they can be printed on A4 paper, and should be treated as simplified maps only.

Printable Maps of Africa

Printable Maps of Africa

Download all our printable maps of Africa in one bundle, or choose separately from black and white and colour versions of outline maps, maps with countries marked and maps with countries and capitals marked.

Printable Maps of Antarctica

Printable Maps of Antarctica

These printable maps of Antarctica, including ice shelves, might be useful when studying the region. Please note that these are simplified maps only and are not intended to be accurate.

Printable Maps of Asia

Printable Maps of Asia

These 6 printable maps of Asia are in black and white and colour, blank outlines, with countries or with countries and capitals. Please note that they are simplified and indicative rather than 100% accurate. Asia was a particularly difficult continent to fit onto 1 a4 page of paper!

Printable Maps of Europe

Printable Maps of Europe

Here you will find a collection of simplified outline maps of Europe, in colour or black and white. Choose from blank, countries only or countries and capitals.

Please note that these are simplified maps only and are not intended to be accurate!

Printable Maps of North America

Printable Maps of North America

Download printable maps of North America showing just the outline of the continent, the countries, or the countries and capitals. All 3 types are available in either black and white or colour, too.

Please note that these are simplified maps only and are not intended to be accurate!

Printable Maps of Oceania

Printable Maps of Oceania

Download all our printable maps of Oceania in one pack below, or download and print out each version separately. Choose from blank, with countries, and with countries and capital cities.

Printable Maps of South America

Printable Maps of South America

We've got 6 printable maps of South America here to choose from. There's an outline map, a map with countries, and a map with countries and capital cities. All 3 are available in colour or black and white.

Printable Maps of the Caribbean

Printable Maps of the Caribbean

Choose from various different printable maps of the Caribbean below - in black and white or in colour.

Please note that these maps are simplified and are far from accurate representations.

Printable Maps of the United States

Printable Maps of the United States

These useful maps are a great way to learn the states of the United States of America - and their relative position and size. Choose from black and white or colour, and blank or labelled versions, or download them all.

World Outline Map

World Outline Map

Print this world outline map onto A4 paper and use it for location work. It gives a good overall impression of the larger countries of the world, but of course much of it is simplified.

World Outline Map Without Borders

World Outline Map Without Borders

This useful, simplified world outline map prints onto A4 paper and is a useful starting point when looking at the continents or the world as a whole. We don't pretend it is terribly accurate, so please don't rely on it!

More Useful Map Resources

Country Maps
Country Maps

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