Here's a poster of magnificent Conway castle, which many say is one of the finest of Edward I's Welsh fortresses, and is now classed as a World Heritage site. Perfect to print as part of a display on Wales, castles or King Edward I.
Conway Castle Poster
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Caernarfon Castle Poster 2
Edward I spent a huge sum of money building Caernarfon Castle - around £22,000 at a time when a skilled craftsman only earned around 3 pence per day!
Caernarfon Castle Poster
Whether you are making a display about Wales, looking at landmarks of the UK, or looking at King Edward I we have a Caernarfon Castle poster for you to print and display.
Caernarfon Castle Newspaper Writing Prompt
We have left space for a headline so you can choose your own story on this newspaper writing prompt. Perhaps you might write about the building of the castle or the birth of Edward II or perhaps you might like to write about a visit or event that you attended.