Cornucopia Collage


Younger children will enjoy practising their cutting and sticking skills to make this very effective cornucopia collage for Thanksgiving or Harvest Festival.

Corncupia collage

You will need:

  • Large piece of card for background
  • Brown paper/card for cornucopia
  • Pictures of fruit and vegetables (leaflets from supermarkets or seed catalogues are a good source)
  • Black pen
  • Glue


Cut out a horn shape from the brown paper. Using the black pen, draw on the rim of the basket (and add basket weaving if you like). If you are working with very young children, you can prepare the cornucopia in advance.

Glue the cornucopia to a sheet of backing card.

Cut out some pictures of fruit and vegetables and glue them to the opening of the horn. As you can see from our photo above, this craft is very effective even if the cutting out isn't absolutely perfect!


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