Countries of the Commonwealth


Learn about the 54 countries of the Commonwealth by taking a tour with Activity Village! For each country we have some interesting facts, flags, maps and location worksheets, colouring pages and more...

Learn a little about Antigua and Barbuda, and print some of our useful flags, maps and other fun...

Whether you are looking to travel around the world on a virtual tour or celebrate a patriotic...

What do you know about the Bahamas? We've pulled together a few interesting facts here, to...

Find out a little about Bangladesh and enjoy our collection of printable flags, which come in...

Find out a little about Barbados - perhaps because you are lucky enough to be paying a visit -...

Find out a little about the fascinating country of Belize with our potted geography, history and...

Discover a little about Botswana with our fun facts for kids, and enjoy our collection of flag...

Find out a little about Brunei, and print out of useful Brunei flag printables and flag...

Did you know that Cameroon has the world's most poisonous lake? Discover more fun facts...

Here you will find all our Canada resources for children - a fun collection of Canada-themed...

Here's a little introduction to the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Scroll down for our flag...

You've come to the right place if you want to find a few interesting facts about Dominica...

Read a few interesting facts about Eswatini, formerly known as Swaziland, below, and scroll down...

You can enjoy a complete set of printables for the Fiji flag, and a Fiji flag colouring page,...

The Gambia is one of the smallest African countries - but home to 569 species of birds! Learn a...

Learn about Ghana, a country with the world's largest artificial lake and a space program!...

Find out a few interesting bits and pieces about the Caribbean island of Grenada, and print out...

Learn a little about the geography, history and culture of this unique country, Guyana. We also...

Find out about India, try some of our India worksheets and printables, enjoy our India craft...

Dip into the history and geography of Jamaica, and get a flavour for the Caribbean! We also have...

Discover something about Kenya with our fun facts, and make use of our Kenyan flag printables,...

What do you know about the islands of Kiribati? We've provided a very brief introduction to...

Learn about Lesotho, the country with the highest low point in the world! Discover more fun...

Learn a little about Malawi and enjoy our collection of flag printables and resources - fun for...

Read some interesting facts about Malaysia, then scroll down to enjoy our collection of flag...

Find out a little about the very exotic Maldives, and print out our collection of flags and flag...

Take a quick trip to Malta with us to learn some interesting facts, and print out our Malta flag...

Did you know that Mauritius was home to the dodo, before it became extinct? You can find out...

Learn a little about Mozambique and enjoy our collection of printables, worksheets and flags....

From the Kalahari Desert to the Sossusvlei Dunes to the Skeleton Coast - Namibia is a country of...

Did you know that Nauru is the world's smallest island nation, covering just 8 square miles...

Learn a little about New Zealand with our "fun facts for kids" - geography, history...

Have you heard of Nollywood? Find out what it is and discover more interesting facts about...

Discover a few interesting facts about the world's third largest country (by area) and enjoy...

Learn some interesting facts about Papua New Guinea, then print out the Papua New Guinea flag in...

Learn about Rwanda, the land of a thousand hills. We have flag printables, maps and worksheets...

Find out about the beautiful volcanic Caribbean island of Saint Lucia, and enjoy our Saint Lucia...

Find out a little about Samoa, and scroll down for our flag printables and colouring page......

What do you know about the island chain, the Seychelles? Perhaps you are lucky enough to be...

Learn a little about the African country, Sierra Leone, enjoy our fun facts, and print flags,...

Join us for a quick tour of Singapore: learn some interesting facts and print out the flag in...

Learn a few interesting facts about the Solomon Islands, and make use of our collection of flag...

Here you can pay a quick visit to South Africa, learn some fun facts and enjoy a range of...

Take a quick virtual trip to Sri Lanka and discover a little about its geography and history, as...

Kids can learn a little about the Caribbean islands St Kitts and Nevis here, and enjoy our flag...

Learn a little about this small Caribbean country (home to the notorious La Soufriere volcano...

Learn about the fascinating African country of Tanzania - home to exotic spice islands, Africa...

Learn some interesting facts about Tonga - a collection of 170 islands in the South Pacific. And...

Discover a little about Trinidad and Tobago with our potted geography, history and interesting...

Here is our brief introduction to the island of Tuvalu, an island in the Pacific Ocean. Scroll...

From savannah to fertile rainforests, Uganda is a fascinating country. Learn some fun facts with...

Activity Village is a UK site and of course we love all things British! We've got sections...

The Republic of Vanuatu consists of over 80 tropical mountainous islands in the South Pacific,...

Find out a little about Zambia, one of two countries which share the spectactular Victoria Falls...

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