Complete The Cricket Puzzle
Get the kids to test their drawing skills by filling in the missing areas on our complete the cricket puzzle. They'll need good observation skills too!
Have some fun learning about crickets with the kids by printing out some of our cricket resources - including colouring page, posters and more.
Crickets are known for the loud chirping noise they make on a warm summer evening. They make this noise by rubbing their wings together - have you ever heard one? Crickets are nocturnal, which is why we only hear them at dusk.
Fun Fact: Many cultures consider crickets to be a sign of good luck!
Get the kids to test their drawing skills by filling in the missing areas on our complete the cricket puzzle. They'll need good observation skills too!
This cricket acrostic poem printable is designed for the minibeast not the sport! Two of the pages have a cute cartoon cricket in the corner whilst two are plain.
Here is a fun colouring page of a cricket - the insect kind! Our cricket is designed for younger children and has a smile on his face!
Colour the cricket and trace over the letters – first of the forefinger, and then perhaps with a felt-tip pen or crayon.
It is fun to copy pictures using grids to help – especially when the picture is a cute cricket like this one! Include it in your minibeasts theme perhaps?
It's always fun to practice your handwriting when there is a smiling mini beast picture to cheer you on! Enjoy our cricket handwriting worksheet…
This chirpy cricket poster will brighten up a minibeast display or make a useful project cover.
Here's a close-up photo of a cricket - A4 poster-sized - to print for your minibeast display.
Write a story or a poem with our cheerful cricket as its centre! Choose from lines or handwriting versions of our story paper.
A happy cricket decorates this handwriting worksheet! Colour the picture and trace over the dotted letters…
Do children know how crickets make music? They can record what they know about crickets on this cricket worksheet.
Print this fun crickets scene card onto white card or good quality paper, fold in half, and you've got a greetings card for someone who loves minibeasts!
Colouring in this happy, smiling cricket is bound to be a fun activity, then you can send your finished card to someone to make them happy too!
Here's a very cheerful cricket, ready for the kids to colour him in!
Our cheerful cricket poster is perfect for a mini-beast display or project - print using the borderless settings on your printer for the best results.
Make up a fun story featuring this smiling cricket as the main character - we have lined and handwriting lined versions to choose from below.