We don't encourage you to go out and buy plastic drinking straws to make this picture frame, but if you have any lying around you might want to use them up in the craft and save them from ening up in landfill - or our oceans.
You will need:
- Card
- Double sided tape (or glue)
- Drinking straws
Cut 4 strips of card and arrange them to form a frame to fit your picture. Tape or glue the corners together and trim away any extra.
Making the card frame. It is ready for trimming.
Cut the drinking straws into small lengths to fit the width of the frame.
Cover one side of the frame with double sided tape or glue and stick on the drinking straw pieces. Repeat a side at a time until the frame is covered.
Attach your picture to the back of the frame with tape.
Frame a picture!
Sam's finished suncatcher self portrait, framed with his drinking straw picture frame.