Eid Printables


Scroll down for our collection of printables for the Muslim holidays Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, including some colourful Eid cards and posters, writing frames for using in all sorts of projects and letter writing, templates and more.

Eid Cards
It is traditional to send Eid cards to family and friends if you are not able to see each other...
Eid Frames
Use these pretty printable Eid frames in the classroom or home, perhaps to frame a pretty Eid...
Eid Posters
These printable Eid posters are fun to display in the classroom or home during the Eid celebrations...
Eid Templates
NEW! Here is a small collection of templates to use for your Eid crafts and collages, decorations...
More Eid Printables
Enjoy our colourful letters for making Eid displays, or colour, cut and stick a star and crescent...

More Eid Activities

Eid Colouring Pages
Eid Colouring Pages

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