Enid Blyton Word Searches


Whether you're solving a mystery or discovering the enchanted wood, immerse yourself in these wonderful Enid Blyton word searches. 

Famous Five Word Search

Famous Five Word Search

Can the kids find all the words listed on the right in the puzzle on the left? They might be horizontal, vertical or diagonal, but there are no backwards words.

Faraway Tree Word Search

Faraway Tree Word Search

Here's a word search puzzle based on the magical world of the Faraway Tree. Can the kids find all the names and words in the puzzle? They may be horizontal, vertical or diagonal, but not backwards.

Five Find-Outers Word Search

Five Find-Outers Word Search

Help to solve the Mystery of the Word Search! Where are all the Five Find-Outers' names and words hidden in this puzzle?

Secret Seven Word Search

Secret Seven Word Search

Can your children find all the words in this Secret Seven word search? We've included the names of the Secret Seven and of course Scamper, the spaniel, as well as a few more related words to hunt for...

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Harry Potter Word Searches
Harry Potter Word Searches

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