Extreme Weather Factsheets


These useful fact sheets summarise the information we provide on the various extreme weather conditions covered in our Extreme Weather topic - drought, extreme cold, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods.

Drought Factsheet

Drought Factsheet

Our easy-to-read factsheet is a helpful introduction to droughts - you can also use it as a learning tool alongside some of our other weather activities too.

Floods Factsheet

Floods Factsheet

Learn a little about floods with our factsheet, which the kids can use with our other weather printables.

Hurricanes Factsheet

Hurricanes Factsheet

Our factsheet is a great introduction to hurricanes - perfect just to read, or to use alongside some of our weather activities.

Thunderstorms Factsheet

Thunderstorms Factsheet

How much do you know about thunderstorms? You might learn a few more facts about them by reading our useful factsheet...

Tornadoes Factsheet

Tornadoes Factsheet

Learn a little about tornadoes with our printable fact sheet - perfect if you're learning about extreme weather events!

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