Famous People Newspaper Writing Prompts


Our famous people newspaper writing prompts are a fun way for children to display their knowledge about a famous person. They could write about a specific event in the life of the person or about the person in general. They work well as a creative writing exercise encouraging children to think about the writing style and language that is appropriate to use for a newspaper. 

Albert Einstein Newspaper Writing Prompt

Albert Einstein Newspaper Writing Prompt

Perhaps the children could use this newspaper writing prompt to write about Einstein's Theory of Relativity, or perhaps to describe his winning of the Nobel Prize for Physics or Time Magazine's "Man of the Century" award.

Andy Warhol Newspaper Writing Prompt

Andy Warhol Newspaper Writing Prompt

Andy Warhol enjoyed making headlines so much so that he filled a scrapbook with news stories generated from his art and life! Use our newspaper writing prompt to write your own story and headline about the famous pop artist.

Anne Bonny Newspaper Writing Prompt

Anne Bonny Newspaper Writing Prompt

Can the kids use our newspaper writing prompt to write about an interesting event in Anne Bonny's life? How about when she was captured but managed to have her life spared in prison?

Benjamin Franklin Newspaper Writing Prompt

Benjamin Franklin Newspaper Writing Prompt

The kids can use our Benjamin Franklin newspaper writing prompt to describe his life and achievements, and they can colour in the picture of him if they like too. ..

Blackbeard Newspaper Writing Prompt

Blackbeard Newspaper Writing Prompt

Here's a fun activity for the kids to try. Can they use our Blackbeard newspaper writing prompt to a write about an event in his life - maybe the one time he gave up piracy, or a report on his final battle?

Boudicca Newspaper Writing Prompt

Boudicca Newspaper Writing Prompt

Can the kids use this Boudicca newspaper writing prompt to write about Boudicca's eventful life, or maybe to report on her rebellion against the Romans? 

Charles Darwin Newspaper Writing Prompt

Charles Darwin Newspaper Writing Prompt

Ask the kids to put pen to paper with our Charles Darwin newspaper writing prompt. Maybe they can write about his famous trip to the Galapagos Islands, and what he discovered there?

Christopher Columbus Newspaper Writing Prompt

Christopher Columbus Newspaper Writing Prompt

Write a newspaper report on Columbus's 'discovery' using our Christoper Columbus newspaper writing prompt. We have two versions: one includes a headline and the other has the added challenge of writing your own headline. 

Cleopatra Newspaper Writing Prompt

Cleopatra Newspaper Writing Prompt

The kids can use our Cleopatra newspaper writing prompt to write some facts about the famous Egyptian ruler or discuss some of the events in her life, then colour in the picture of her too...

David Attenborough Newspaper Writing Prompt

David Attenborough Newspaper Writing Prompt

David Attenborough often raises important issues such as climate change and talks about them in newspaper articles. Children can use this newspaper writing prompt to write their own article on David Attenborough and one of the environmental causes he supports, perhaps?

David Beckham Newspaper Writing Prompt

David Beckham Newspaper Writing Prompt

David Beckham has won a record or two, and definitely been man of the match a few times! The kids can use this worksheet to write a newspaper story about this great English footballer.

Eusebio Newspaper Writing Prompt

Eusebio Newspaper Writing Prompt

This creative writing exercise asks the children to write a newspaper report about famous footballer Eusebio - a great way to get the kids putting pen to paper!

Famous For 15 Minutes Newspaper Writing Prompt

Famous For 15 Minutes Newspaper Writing Prompt

"In the future, everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes." This fun worksheet asks the kids to imagine they are famous for 15 minutes, just like Andy Warhol suggests in his famous quote, and to write all about the experience as a newspaper report.

Frederick Douglass Newspaper Writing Prompt

Frederick Douglass Newspaper Writing Prompt

Our newspaper writing prompts are an interesting way to write down what you've learned about famous people and events. This one is for American social reformer, Frederick Douglass.

Galileo Galilei Newspaper Writing Prompt

Galileo Galilei Newspaper Writing Prompt

Our newspaper writing prompts are a great introduction to writing newspaper-style reports, and we've got lots to choose from! This one is for famous astronomer Galileo Galilei. 

Gandhi Newspaper Writing Prompt

Gandhi Newspaper Writing Prompt

Ask the kids to put pen to paper with our Gandhi writing prompt. Maybe they can write about how he freed India from British rule by peaceful protests.

George Eliot Newspaper Writing Prompt

George Eliot Newspaper Writing Prompt

Our newspaper writing prompts are a fun way to research and learn some facts about famous people and practise some writing skills too. This newspaper writing prompt features the famous novelist George Eliot.

Helen Keller Newspaper Writing Prompt

Helen Keller Newspaper Writing Prompt

The kids can use our Helen Keller newspaper writing prompt to describe her life and achievements, and they can colour in the picture of her too...

Henry VIII Newspaper Writing Prompt

Henry VIII Newspaper Writing Prompt

If there had been newspapers in print at the time of Henry VIII he would have given them plenty to write about! Can the children choose one of the events in the life of the King and write about it on our newspaper writing prompt template?

Joan of Arc Newspaper Writing Prompt

Joan of Arc Newspaper Writing Prompt

This creative writing exercise asks the children to write a newspaper report about Joan of Arc - a great way to get the kids putting pen to paper!

Julia Donaldson Newspaper Writing Prompt

Julia Donaldson Newspaper Writing Prompt

Our newspaper writing prompts are a fun way to record the information you've learned about a famous person or event, and also great for inspiring some creative writing. This newspaper writing prompt features the famous children's author, Julia Donaldson.

Julius Caesar Newspaper Writing Prompt

Julius Caesar Newspaper Writing Prompt

Ask the children to describe Julius Caesar's eventful life and his achievements using our newspaper writing prompt, and then colour in the picture of him too...

Leonardo da Vinci newspaper writing prompt

Leonardo da Vinci Newspaper Writing Prompt

This Leonardo da Vinci newspaper writing prompt is great for all kinds of writing projects. The kids could write about the life and works of this incredible man, or they could write a creative story based on one of his famous paintings as inspiration.

Lionel Messi Newspaper Writing Prompt

Lionel Messi Newspaper Writing Prompt

Leo Messi has broken so many football records, one of them is sure to make a great story! Get the kids to write their own newspaper story with the help of this worksheet.

Louis Braille Newspaper Writing Prompt

Louis Braille Newspaper Writing Prompt

Louis Braille creates an alphabet that allows blind people to read easily! That could be the headline on this Village News worksheet ... although in fact the braille language wasn't really adopted until after Louis Braille's death.

Mae Jemison Newspaper Writing Prompt

Mae Jemison Newspaper Writing Prompt

Ask the children to describe Mae Jemison's life and accomplishments using this newspaper writing prompt, then colour in the picture of her too...

Maria Sibylla Merian Newspaper Writing Prompt

Maria Sibylla Merian Newspaper Writing Prompt

Our newspaper writing prompts are a fun way to research and learn some facts about famous people and practise some writing skills too. This newspaper writing prompt features naturalist and scientific illustrator Maria Sibylla Merian.

Mark Antony Newspaper Writing Prompt

Mark Antony Newspaper Writing Prompt

Here's a fun way to test what the kids have learned about Mark Antony! Pull it all together in journalistic style - perhaps telling of his conquests as a general, his rule over half of the Roman Empire, his love affair with the beautiful Egyptian queen Cleopatra, or his untimely death ...

Mark Twain Newspaper Writing Prompt

Mark Twain Newspaper Writing Prompt

Our newspaper writing prompts are a fun way to research and learn some facts about famous people and practise some writing skills too. This newspaper writing prompt features the famous writer Mark Twain.

Martin Luther King Newspaper Writing Prompt

Martin Luther King Newspaper Writing Prompt

This newspaper writing prompt can be used in many ways. Perhaps the kids would like to "report" on the "I have a dream" speech, or on Dr King's role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Mary Berry Newspaper Writing Prompt

Mary Berry Newspaper Writing Prompt

The British newspapers had lots to say about Mary Berry leaving the Great British Bake Off in 2016 when the programme changed to another television channel. This worksheet lets the children write their own newspaper report about this well-loved TV personality...

Mary Seacole Newspaper Writing Prompt

Mary Seacole Newspaper Writing Prompt

Perhaps the children could use this newspaper writing prompt to write a report about Mary Seacole's adventures and work during the Crimean War, or to write about her interesting life story?

Meghan Markle Newspaper Writing Prompt

Meghan Markle Newspaper Writing Prompt

Megan Markle has certainly been featured in the newspapers a lot since her engagement to Prince Harry! Our newspaper writing prompt lets the kids write their own newspaper article all about the princess to be! 

Millicent Fawcett Newspaper Writing Prompt

Millicent Fawcett Newspaper Writing Prompt

This Millicent Fawcett newspaper writing prompt is great for all kinds of writing projects. Could the children write about the life and achievements of this inspirational woman perhaps? 

Ned Kelly Newspaper Writing Prompt

Ned Kelly Newspaper Writing Prompt

Maybe the children could use this newspaper writing prompt to write about the capture and trial of Ned Kelly, the Australian bushranger legend?

Pele Newspaper Writing Prompt

Pele Newspaper Writing Prompt

The kids can use our newspaper writing prompt to describe one of the three times Pele won the World Cup with Brazil, or to write about one of his other achievements. 

Prince George Newspaper Writing Prompt

Prince George Newspaper Writing Prompt

The newspapers have been interested in Prince George since his birth, but can the children write their own story or report about him using this fun newspaper writing prompt?  They might want to write about when he went to visit his new b

Prince Harry Newspaper Writing Prompt

Prince Harry Newspaper Writing Prompt

Prince Harry has been written about by newspapers his whole life, and there were lots more articles covering his wedding to Meghan Markle in 2018. Our newspaper writing prompt lets the children write their own report on the well-loved Prince...

Robert Burns Newspaper Writing Prompt

Robert Burns Newspaper Writing Prompt

Our newspaper writing prompts are a fun way to record the information you've learned about a famous person or event, and also great for inspiring some creative writing. This newspaper writing prompt features the famous Scottish poet, Robert Burns.

Rosa Parks Newspaper Writing Prompt

Rosa Parks Newspaper Writing Prompt

There are quite a few newspaper reports of Rosa Parks' arrest in 1955 that sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott (you can find some of the original ones on online), but can the children try writing their own account on our newspaper writing prompt worksheet?

Saint Andrew Newspaper Writing Prompt

Saint Andrew Newspaper Writing Prompt

Use this Saint Andrew Newspaper Writing Prompt to write about his story as if you are a newspaper reporter - you might need to do a little research first...

Stephen Hawking Newspaper Writing Prompt

Stephen Hawking Newspaper Writing Prompt

Stephen Hawking has made the news again! What might he have discovered this time? Children can use this fun newspaper worksheet to practice their journalistic skills!

Steve Irwin Newspaper Writing Prompt

Steve Irwin Newspaper Writing Prompt

Ask the kids to write about Steve Irwin using our newspaper writing prompt. Perhaps they can write about some of his successful conservation work? 

Taylor Swift Newspaper Writing Prompt

Taylor Swift Newspaper Writing Prompt

Perhaps the children could use this newspaper writing prompt to write about one of Taylor Swift's concerts or to talk about an award she's been given?

Thomas Edison Newspaper Writing Prompt

Thomas Edison Newspaper Writing Prompt

The kids can use our Thomas Edison newspaper writing prompt to describe his life and achievements, and they can colour in the picture of him if they like ...

Tiger Woods Newspaper Writing Prompt

Tiger Woods Newspaper Writing Prompt

Tiger Woods has won so many different championships and broken so many records that it would be easy to write a newspaper piece about him. How about writing about his amazing comeback in 2019 to win the Masters in Augusta?

Tim Peake Newspaper Writing Prompt

Tim Peake Newspaper Writing Prompt

Perhaps the kids can use this Tim Peake newspaper writing prompt to write about his mission on the International Space Station, including his spacewalk?

Vincent van Gogh Newspaper Writing Prompt

Vincent van Gogh Newspaper Writing Prompt

Use our Vincent van Gogh newspaper writing prompt to write a story about the famous Dutch artist. Maybe you could write about how different his life could have been if he had become famous when he was still alive? 

William Wordsworth Newspaper Writing Prompt

William Wordsworth Newspaper Writing Prompt

Our newspaper writing prompts are a fun way to research and learn some facts about famous people and practise some writing skills too. This newspaper writing prompt features the famous poet William Wordsworth.

More Newspaper Writing Prompts

Historical Events Newspaper Writing Prompts
Historical Events Newspaper Writing Prompts

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