Felt Owl Bookmark


Reading will be so much more fun when you are marking your place with this gorgeous little owl bookmark! It makes a super beginner sewing project and also an excellent gift for children to make for friends, parents and grandparents. Instructions and template below.

Felt Owl Bookmark

You will need:

Large paper clip
Scraps of felt
Needle and thread
Our template (below)


Cut 2 feet from orange felt. Slip the feet through the paperclip. Sew around the outside of each foot with one strand of embroidery thread. Sew along the bottom at the top of the paperclip so it stays in place.

Cut two bodies and two wngs from felt. Sew the wings to one of the bodies.  

Cut the beak from orange felt and sew on.

Embroider two curved eyes using back stitch.

Put the bodies together sandwiching the top of the feet in between them, and sew around the outside.

Your bookmark is ready.

Owl bookmark template


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