Fire Engine Poster


Let your little ones be fire-fighters! This was a big hit with my boys and still graces our walls nearly a year after we made it. While we made a very large version, the same idea can be made smaller for a special card.

fire engine poster

I drew the shape of a fire engine on white card, including a radiator, window and number plate with my son’s name and age on. We then painted the engine: red for the engine, black for the radiator, windows and wheels, and yellow for the number plate (you could use different coloured card and cut and glue the shapes on).

Blue glitter was used to make the sirens shiny. We added the word ‘fire’ by cutting it out of white card and gluing it on back to front.

As a finishing touch I took a large photo of my sons dressed as fire fighters, cut out their faces and glued them on to the window.


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