You can use our printable flags to make bunting to decorate your house, school or classroom for sporting events, national holidays or other patriotic celebrations. There are many ideas below..
You will need:
Print-outs on paper of our large flags and coloured paper rectangles (optional, but they save on printer ink!)
Sticky tape
Cut out the flags. Tape the ribbon along the top end of the flags. Hang your bunting.
Olympic bunting (or other sports events)
Use lots of different country flags.
Canada flag printables for Canada Day
Alternate the Canadian flag with white and red rectangles.
USA flag printables for Independence Day bunting...
Use the Star Spangled banner and rectangles of red, blue and white paper.
Australia flag printables for Australia Day
Use the Australian flag and rectangles of red, white and blue. Alternatively, use rectangles of green and gold.
England flag printables for St George's Day
Alternate the England flag with white and red rectangles.
Scotland flag printables for St Andrew's Day
Alternate blue and white rectangles with the Scotland flag.
Ireland flag printables for St Patrick's Day
Alternate orange, green and white rectangles with the Irish flag - or just use lots of green flags.
Welsh flag printables for St David's Day
Alternate red, green and white rectangles with the Welsh flag